Thursday, February 14, 2013


First thought this morning was it's Valentine's Day -- need to write in the card I bought and write in my blog. Interesting. Two very different processes, but both valuable.

I've taken care of the first, now the blog which has been sorely neglected over the past weeks/months.

Not sure why. Busy, I guess. Doing what, you ask?  Teaching yoga, reading about yoga, preparing for and presenting workshops on yoga, marketing yoga, and - on the side - learning to play the guitar (lessons, even), spending time with family, cleaning house (literally; lots of dog hair in this place), and trying to finalize an important segment of my life - Certification as an Anusara Yoga Instructor.

That last task - achieving Certification - was completed yesterday.  A nice phone call, a flurry of internet 'paperwork', a welcome e-mail in my inbox, and - TaDa - I'm Certified.  I wish this had happened 14 months ago, prior to the Anusara debacle, but it didn't.  It happened 2/13/13.  The process, which had been ongoing for several years, went into 'hold' mode over the past 12 months, was awakened 2 months ago, and finished, finally.

Certification is quite an achievement. Not only does it mean I've really finished something, but along the way I've learned so much about the body, life, people; that, to have missed it, would have meant you'd be looking at the old Leslie (this blog probably wouldn't exist).  I'd still be concerned with cars, clothes, status.  And, still feel a bit 'lacking'.  No more.  Today and yesterday, and the day before, and the day before - I know I have more to do and be than what I was.  Certification is "icing on the cake" (if you are a student of mine, this phrase sounds very familiar, right?)  So enough.  It's done.  I'm Certified.  And I'm proud of it.

You know what?  I just realized a correlation.  On Tuesday, 2/12/13, I taught the second class of my Intro series with 25+ students in the room.  I boldly decided to ask them to chant with me, to 'name' Ganesh, to call him into the room, to help cross a threshhold to this new movement practice called yoga.  I prepared a handout with Ganesh's history and the chant taught me by Eric Stoneberg, in a past workshop series. Participants repeat the short chant 11 times, breaking old habits and crossing a threshold.  I demo'd it to this new group, asking them to chant with me. I took a deep breath (tip from Adam, here) and began. From beginning to end, I heard voices chanting with me. Ganesh joined us (and perhaps was helpful to me, even, as that last little 'push' to cross my threshold).  Just thinking here.

NOW, ABOUT WISDOM WARRIORS -- that part of my life and teaching you've really been waiting to hear about.  Trekked (drove, actually) to Del Mar.  I'd missed last week, so was not feeling particularly 'strong'. I did want to share my Certification news with Desiree, who had encouraged me to finish (along with Sundari). Arrived, settled in.  "We're going to take care of ourselves today." she says.  We think, oh good, gentle practice.  It was, in some ways.  It was also challenging and opening, in many others -- hips, hamstrings, twisting, arm balancing, to name some.

One thing I've learned from this Lady (Desiree), is that the great teachers are not afraid to wander away from the 'script'. To teach to the energy room; pushing where necessary, asking for more if needed, leaving alone if that's called for.

Result:  I felt strong the entire practice; got a good neck adjustment (neck was stiff, no longer). And, I was surprised by how much I was able to do.

Today?  Teaching in Temecula.  Gentle at Yoga For Life, 12:30; Temecula Wisdom Warriors at 2:30pm at Living Yoga Center.  Looking forward to it!

Have a great Thursday!