Sunday, July 26, 2015


I began planning, 2 months ago, to present a workshop.  The title and content were tough to come up with -- so much material to share.  Yet, what would be of interest?

After going back and forth, I settled on a favorite of mine - props.  I called the workshop "Playing With Props", set the date (yesterday) and time, and now to the flier.  I had accumulated pictures of props, so the flier included a kind of collage of those (plus a small pic of me).  In fact, here's the flier:
I like the way it turned out.  We put it out for circulation.  Now on to the preparation part.  

I carried the needed books around with me for several weeks, always intending to work on content. Don't get me wrong, I know a lot about props and how to use them; however, there is so much more out there.  New props, even.  I read, highlighted, then sat down to the computer and put to paper what I planned to teach.

My plan was to have those attending warm up a bit (probably using a prop or two), then do a Sun Saluation A (no props).  Next, we would break the salutation into one pose at a time, and for each pose we would work one or two ways to enhance and refine using one or more of the props I'd pictured.  Then repeat the salutation, always noticing any shifts due to the work we had done. I also decided to add in one or two standing poses, if time allowed.  I stuck with standing poses, since they are our 'bread and butter', as well as strength and stamina builders.  

The day before the workshop, I had an 8-page document in hand(!?!?!?!?!). There had to be a better way, so I simply listed each pose I planned to work with, with props needed.  (Eyesight a bit less-than-optimal, I used 18point font, so I could see at a glance what / where we were headed.)

After a bit of practice and re-reading, I'm ready. Studio is ready with props set out next to my mat so that students would know what they ought to have as well.

Start-time approaches. 

After the work - reading, planning, typing, practicing, I felt ready. I was ready. And, it went exactly as planned.

The best part?  Great students attended, received and appreciated the information.  And, I learned a ton more about props and standing poses.  The next best part?  We all went for coffee afterwards!

Off to soccer with the Grand-Dudes today (Jack - oldest - plays in his first 'real' tournament.)  We'll share lunch with them -- part of Carson's - youngest - birthday celebration weekend.  Then, I hope to relax.  

Enjoy your Sunday,