Monday, February 1, 2010


If you're reading this, you are a yoga teacher and/or student (especially of Anusara® yoga) or a good friend (or maybe just someone who thinks my writing is phenomenal).  If you fall into the teacher or student category, I encourage you to go to the Anusara website (, click on 'community', then click on 'Forum'.

In this section of the website, you will find several topics - i.e., introducing yourself, yoga in general, philosophy, events, therapeutics, to name some.  Within these topics (once you have registered and signed in), you are welcome to ask and/or answer questions, offer suggestions, make comments that are appropriate to your path / situation.

I logged on over the weekend (twice), and - after reviewing some of the sections and since I love therapeutics - I went to that area of this page.  I looked over the offerings,  and began to think --- 'I might have something to offer in the way of an answer to a couple of these questions.'

So, I began to write.  I began to think.  I began to pull books out, reviewed old notes, read articles.  Lo' and behold, I came up with some decent suggestions.  Better yet, I learned quite a bit in the process.  What, you ask?

  1. I remembered to reflect the asking instructors' intention and recognize the good in that. 
  2. I was reminded of teachings I'd heard from John and others about working with students who struggle with significant physical issues.
  3. I became re-acquainted with teachings of other very qualified persons, persons who teach yoga and struggle with these conditions; people with first-hand knowledge.  
  4. I reflected on my own teaching experiences with students struggling with scoliosis or hip issues, about the value of yoga in these and other conditions if we study and approach them appropriately.
  5. I learned it's not easy to write an answer, for all to see, that tells everyone how much you know, or don't know, about a topic (remember my attachment to comfort zone).  
All this to say, I got a pretty good learning experience, myself, out of thinking through another teacher's issue, and offering some suggestions.  In one of my responses, I did acknowledge that -- telling the teacher that I learned tons from offering her some suggestions, and would love to hear if what I offered was a help (or a hindrance).  

In the beginning, the Forum was a little-used page on the website.  When I first discovered it, I thought -- wow, what a great thing.  I can ask questions, offer thoughts, etc.  I soon realized that few people used it and, at that time, was not closely monitored.  Thankfully, Anusara® was thinking along the same lines.  Soon, Katrina Knudsen, a Certified instructor, became more involved and recruited others to do likewise.  She also sent a reminder to all of the Certified and Inspired instructors about this page and its potential usefulness -- if we use it.

So, use it (a gentle reminder).  

I find it interesting to read other peoples' situations (not just therapeutic), and I get a lot of great advice from the answers provided, as well.   I'm even proud to say I've seen a couple other SLC yoga instructors offering insights on the page.  

Ah, Monday - - - 

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