Sunday, February 21, 2010


This is a p.s. to this morning's post, plus my entry for tomorrow -- tomorrow is a busy day that starts very early with a dentist appointment then teaching Level 1 at Kula.

I am going to share the weekend now; I worried that posting to Facebook before I knew what Sunday would bring might jinx attendance.  So, read today's earlier entry also.

Well, the house was packed to the gills again this morning.  Many who had attended through the weekend, plus some new.  Arm balances -- fun arm balances.  Arm balances made achievable (maybe in the future for some - including me) by hip openers.  Hip openers!?!?!?  Arm balances performed in such a manner that whether we accomplished the pose or not, it didn't matter -- making progress mattered; making a shift mattered.  Wow!  I will risk saying that EVERYONE made a shift.

To my right and to my left were wonderful teachers willing to share tips and hints; epitomizing a community that plays and works together and supports one another.  And, as a partner, I was able to participate in one's first-time balancing alone in pincha mayurasana -- how rewarding is that!

So, a great day.  Then, home for lunch out with my husband, a couple errands, and home to watch Olympics.

What I plan to talk about tomorrow is that when we work on ourselves, we are better able to affect others; the poses are beautiful and fun to do, but there is so much more to be gained from them than just the physical.

Enjoy Sunday evening and Monday,

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