Friday, September 17, 2010


I notice that blogspot offers me the option to have a booklet of my posts printed.  For my own memory's sake, I'm considering it, but not until I've posted #500. I think 500 is a milestone that needs some kind of celebration. Besides celebrating, the book will be a good reminder of the offerings presented, the thoughts pondered, the ramblings, etc., that I've experienced over the past 18+ months of blogging, teaching and practicing.

Now, turn to Friday -- official "Notes Day" on the Anusara-Inspired™ Yoga Teaching blog.  A day to review the week -- make note of meaningful happenings and offer a tidbit of knowledge from my volumes of notes (these may be things the reader has never heard before, or something heard but not implemented in teaching/practice yet, or just a repeat of often-heard information). Whatever, put on the beginner mind cap when reading.

1.  The week began rather uneventfully with sorting and yardwork. What did I learn from sorting? That I have a lot of stuff to review and purge and organize. A good suggestion from one reader was offered. As to yardwork -- do you know how much your glutes are involved when you do yardwork? I have a new appreciation now. Tuesday and Wednesday were spent very gingerly sitting and moving on those very tender muscles. I've done yardwork before without this phenomenon, perhaps it's because I approached the flower beds from some position that I previously had not used (a version of walking malasana, perhaps?). Whatever, my b____ was sore!

2.   Tuesday, we celebrated Wayne Belles' new class at The Yoga Center - Level 1-2 at 9:30 am each Tuesday. It was a great class. Thank you, Wayne.

During class, a woman came in late; she'd referred to an old schedule. I broke from the class to speak with her. During that conversation, I learned that she had been referred to Anusara® by a friend in Boston, no less. The tentacles of Anusara® are spreading wide and far. She didn't remain for this class, but I feel certain she'll be back. She wants Anusara® Yoga.

3.   I decided to film my Gentle Yoga class on Wednesday. There's some confusion on my part about just what classes we can film for the Certification process. I thought I read that filming should be of a 'level 1' or 'level 1-2' class. That, in my understanding, would eliminate my Gentle classes. However, readers should know that my best classes are my Gentle ones; I enjoy teaching them and the students are very familiar with the Principles of Alignment.

I've gotten advice from friends that I can film any class, so long as I use the principles of Anusara® when teaching (which I do in the Gentle classes). Sundari is going to clarify just what I can film for Certification.  Keep you posted on that one.

4.   Ever notice how a day begins rather leisurely, then goes into tailspin mode before leveling out to a calm finish? That would describe Thursday. Began with computer work, then to some cleaning, the tailspin? Taking husband to airport, rushing from airport to Pilates, rushing from Pilates to a new semi-private, followed immediately by Yoga Hour, dinner, then the calm again.

I was asked last week how I would approach these new semi-private students. After our Immersion training 2 weeks ago, I answered -- first, I will look at the whole picture. That eliminates the opportunity to plan too much, because - in this case - I had not yet seen the whole picture of this couple. So, as I asked them to move yesterday, I was observing -- how things worked in each person, what issues did each work with, what were their moods (very important), how were they reacting to me (can't be sure about this just yet). They committed to 5 sessions, and - at the end of this first one - indicated that they would probably stay semi-private for the foreseeable future. That's great in my book, because I want them to be enjoying whatever yoga experience they have. If semi-privates are their gateway, so be it.

Interesting note:  I began with a brief overview of just what's involved in a yoga practice (along with my usual "people quit when they discover it's work" spiel). During the overview, I mentioned one of my 'pet peeves' - flipping mats out to unroll them; forgetting the mat is actually a sanctuary for the 60-90 minutes we use them in a class, or whenever we use them at home (no matter what the length of time). One of these students latched onto the 'sanctuary' term, and used it throughout our time together. It hit a note, I need to remember that.

5.  Fridays is Gentle Yoga again -- 10 am class. I have an idea where I'll head; but could end up changing it all up, depending on who shows for class.  Then, the Practice led by Jen H. at The Yoga Center.

6.  A tidbit - I've been using the word 'transformation' in class a lot this week (thanks to Wayne). I pulled out my notes and here is a quote I read on the first page I turned to:

"Yoga is the promise you make to yourself. You go to the Yoga mat because of all the things you have ever been, and the experiences that shape who you are and who you want to become. You come to the mat every day to keep your promise to yoga and, in keeping that promise, you infuse the future with hope." and then "Always, the universe will give you what you ask for. So seek the highest, in every moment. Sometimes change happens in leaps and bounds, but most of the time, it is a step-by-step process of cultivation and growth. Learning to maintain positive growth, to hold the change, to keep the promise is far, far harder than simply having good intentions."  Christina Sell.

Wow!  That quote hits 'transformation' and "mat=sanctuary", all at once.

Today's Schedule:
    10 am     Gentle Yoga at The Yoga Center
    5:40 pm     The Practice at The Yoga Center

Remember, tomorrow is the Yogaaid Challenge at Liberty Park, 1-4 pm.  108 Sun Salutation; hopefully in the sun, but always with good friends around us.

Enjoy your Friday,

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