Monday, July 25, 2011


I rode up from San Diego to Squaw Valley yesterday with two newer friends -- women I've met through my teaching in Temecula (Doreen and Elissa, for you Temecula students). Elissa's daughter rode 97% of the way with us, leaving us to spend the weekend with her Aunt, Uncle and 'big' cousins outside of Sacramento.

It is always amazing to me to witness the camaraderie that develops between people who barely know each other but share this love for yoga, Anusara® yoga in particular. We shared driving, tho thanks to Elissa, Doreen and I spent shorter stints at the wheel. Within minutes of us entering the car, we fell into an easy banter than continued all the way to Squaw (that would be about 11 hours later!). Yoga, life in general, all were discussed. Interesting that there was no negative, it was all good talk; uplifting and, at times, peppered with laughter. Good stuff.
Once in Squaw Valley, we found my room, then walked the grounds which were being set up in anticipation of this big week of Wanderlust. FYI, Wanderlust is a festival featuring the many styles of yoga and is held several times each year at varying locations around the U.S. If you were to attend the entire festival, you would be able to experience several styles of yoga and the many well-known instructors who teach them. This year, Anusara-Inspired™ yoga instructors are gathering for the 3 days prior to the official start of Wanderlust for our first-ever Inspired Gathering; fortunately, for us, Certified Instructors were invited (in addition to those teaching formally), and we will all benefit from their presence and knowledge.
Once we had done our tour, we parted company -- Doreen and Elissa off to meet Shannon -- me off to take a well-deserved nap (did I mention that we had left my house in Fallbrook at 3:30 a.m.?
Rested up, it was time to clean up and head down for the Opening Ceremony. Everyone gathered under the canopy (looks like about 250-300 people, including the entire corps of instructors (Anusara® Certified and Inspired™) from Temecula, Riverside, etc. -- Ashley, Shannon, Lisa, Elissa, Doreen and me). John talked about the evolution of the training process for Anusara® teachers, introduced the Certified instructors who are attending and who will offer their knowledge over the 3 days. What did I notice? A relaxed and congenial attitude among the crowd -- this is good; I set my intention to help foster that over the 3 days. The learning will be intense, but that doesn't mean I have to be intense, as well. I need to relax, learn, have fun, enjoy my friends - new and old, and leave on Wednesday feeling rejuvenated and with lots of great information to influence my teaching and practice. (watch out!)
Today? Meditation at 7 am, followed by breakfast, followed by a 90-minute practice, followed by a philosophy discussion -- these activities all happen with John. Lunch. Then, I go to the breakout classes I've selected on topics like sequencing, therapeutics, philosophy (more?), languaging. Will write more as I go along.
Hope you have a great Monday!

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