Friday, October 14, 2011


OSMOSIS (figurative definition): the process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of ideas,knowledge, etc. : what she knows of the blue-blood set she learned not throughbirthright, not even through wealth, but through osmosis.
I think it's working -- that 'osmosis' stuff. What do I mean?
I taught yesterday -- first class in 9 days (because I was away helping in an Immersion). As I taught, I felt relaxed, free of scripts, yet juggling most of the 'balls' it takes when teaching an Anusara® or Anusara-Inspired™ class. I felt confident and attuned to many of the things happening in the class - though I realized I need to work on my ability to see individuals while taking in the whole room (I think there is a word for that; some kind of __?__ vision -- I want to say the word in the blank is a bird, like an owl or eagle. Anyone?)
Things went well, but I do need to work on that vision part. Example: In one instance, I was asking everyone to move through a modified chaturanga dandasana and I was looking specifically at the students' shoulder alignment and head position. It was very challenging to stay open to the entire room, to not focus too much on any one student -- when I focus on one student, it then means the entire class must to do it over again (and over again), so I am able to watch everyone. Get my drift?
Additionally, I have long known that when the shoulders and elbows are level to one another after lowering towards the floor, the transition from chaturanga dandasana to cobra is enhanced. Better yet, the strain on the shoulders is less. What I had not heard much of was the instruction to keep skull loop engaged and the cervical curve in place throughout the movement (admission here: I may have been told it in the past, I just didn't HEAR it.). How many times have I allowed students to do this transition, insisting that they keep shoulders and elbows level to one another, but not paying much attention to the head? Heads and necks could droop to the floor and I wasn't noticing. Too many, I fear.
So, I'm watching. My vision, however, was on individuals -- meaning that, in order to see all 7 students clearly, the poor students would need to do it 7 times! I realized after the first go-round what was happening, and I tried to open up my visual field - to see the whole room (kind of like JF does, or Sundari, or any number of experienced Anusara® instructors), while still seeing the individual. It's definitely a practice, one I need to hone.
Back to osmosis - why title this blog post in that way? Because, having spent 5 days with the grace and eloquent language of Sundari (plus her toughness - yes, she can be 'tough'), I felt some of it coming through me -- my vocabulary changed a bit AND I assumed my 'seat' with more confidence and knowing than I believe I was doing just 9 days ago. Good stuff.
Today's schedule? Big choice to make -- beach or housework? Grand-Dudes or dogs? I'm leaning towards beach and Grand-Dudes -- it's so warm here that a beach day would be a good thing and what fun to hang out with the 'Dudes' and their Mother for a couple hours.
Hope your Friday is a good one.