Thursday, November 22, 2012

Wisdom Warriors, "Hot, Power Yoga" and Gratitude

It's been a busy week.  So happy, first, to have my laptop back.  Not sure its totally fixed, but it's better and it is a lot easier to do typing on than the iPad.

Holidays always bring more subbing into the picture; yoga teachers have families and friends who want them to visit, and so -- we go.  I stayed home this year and, as a result, have been able to help my friends by subbing their classes ('guest teach' in some vernaculars).

I began with subbing the Basic class on Sunday morning, then taught a Gentle class Monday morning, returning to Fallbrook to my beloved Library class (25 in the room, with laughter all around). Tuesday, I planned to sub one class then teach my own.  I received an unusual request, however -- would I sub the 'hot power' class earlier in the morning -- then teach the following two classes.  Me?  Teach 'hot power'?  I've taken one or two in my 15+ years, but teach?  It's a stretch!  I said 'yes' with the caveat 'it may not be as hot as they like it'.  I ended up in an 85 degree room with 8 beautiful students - all wanting to SWEAT (two even left their hoodies on!?!?!?)  Then it was on to the community class -- one hour, two students.  And, finally, my own Gentle/Therapeutic.  Fortunately, for me and them, they were ready to restore a bit.

Wednesday -- well, we all know what Wednesdays are -- Wisdom Warriors Day!  In Desiree's mind -- Backbends Day.  Lots of emphasis on our upper back -- getting heart to soften between strong shoulders; armbones seated in shoulder sockets.  Many minutes of this work - hard work - to get to one or two backbends!  But, that's just me whining, and that doesn't hold much weight.  I did do one full urdhva; it's been a long time since that's happened.  The BEST moment -- watching (and photographing) Debra in full Hanumanasana with arms stretched to the max!  What a pose!  So good, I've plastered it all over Facebook and put it here, in case you haven't seen it:

And, then there was Lonnie -- giving us a beautiful version of Ardha Chandrasana:

Remember, you must be 60+ years old to do the Hanumanasana with such expression, and 70+ to do a smiling ardha chandrasana.  It's the rule!

Today?  Spending it with my son and his family, Jessie's (daughter-in-law) parents are here from Lodi, and a host of friends.  Looking forward to a peaceful, harmonious day -- with a bit of grand-dude energy thrown in (that may mean loud and raucous).

May you have a great day!

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