Thursday, November 21, 2013


As I typed the title, repeating the word 'feel' three times, the spelling of the word looked stranger and stranger -- as if, I hadn't spelled it correctly.  I think I did - correct me, if I'm mistaken.

I am thinking of the word, since I had an epiphany while teaching on Tuesday.  I've been using the moniker "gentle is the new advanced" as I teach my gentle classes -- not because they are necessarily more sweat producing that other classes or because I kick-b___ while teaching them -- but, because when asked to move more slowly, to feel the movement and the strength of an appendage or a specific muscle, it is truly amazing AND advanced, in my opinion. Sorry for the long sentence. (Must give credit - this quote is taken/borrowed from a younger instructor who is producing a video with the same name - a very wise young man.)

When I taught on Tuesday, one student remarked that she was pursuing yoga to 'remember her power' (my words, not hers - but, the meaning is the same).  As we moved through the practice, it occurred to me that just noticing the strength and steadiness of the back leg in a high lunge is a starting point to remembering our power.  It is not something we are asked to do much of, either - to notice, that is.

Rather, we move through the poses on the way to an apex without being asked to notice.  That's my epiphany moment.  The next classes I taught on Tuesday were riddled with the same suggestion -- to notice how the body feels, to notice the power of the body - our power, our strength.  Whether we believe we have it or not, it's there.

Yesterday (Wednesday), I once again made the trek to Del Mar to attend Wisdom Warriors.  Almost late, I walked in just before the group began moving - OOPS.  But, I was there and so was Desiree.

Pause here -- just to continue on my gratitude trail.  One major point of gratitude in my life is Desiree Rumbaugh and her efforts to pull us 'over-50's' together each Wednesday.  Desiree has been such a great 'rock' in my life, especially during my settling into a routine in So. Calif.  She has been the memories of times past AND the conduit to staying strong into the future.  She has been a great friend, mentor and teacher.  I could write on, but it would just be a repeat of what has already been said.  And, since I can't express enough gratitude, this would be one VERY long post.  Thank you, Desiree.

Now, back to Wisdom Warriors.  What did we do?  WE NOTICED !!!  Be still my heart.  Desiree asked us to move and to notice the effects of that movement on our bodies and on our abilities to move further and deeper.  WOW!

We created a strong bond with blocks, we moved on to twist, clasp, balance.  I felt good and strong throughout the practice.  A moment of kindness -- a gentle adjustment from Desiree in savasana, in which she complimented me on my conditioning.  Double gratitude.

I felt great the whole drive home.  Even felt good enough to stop at the grocery store, pick up a few needed items and dinner stuff.  Then home.

Feeling ready to teach this morning.  The 2-week cold has passed, Grand-Dude Jack's Birthday party is this weekend (7-years-old).  And, we made some plans to visit our house in Idaho - that always brightens a day.

Hope your Thursday is a good one.

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