Tuesday, September 2, 2014

LIFE BEYOND YOGA (or does it (yoga) stick with us?)

For the past week, I have been reminded daily of the classes I am to teach in Fallbrook and Temecula. Each reminder is closed (or ignored) by me. Why? Leslie is on vacation!

Let's be clear, this is the first vacation in a LONG time. A long weekend or two sprinkled throughout the year kept the vacation bug at bay, but it was/is time to get away for a bit.  I rounded up subs for each of my classes, informed most students, and stepped out of the seat of teacher for the month of September.

So, what am I doing?  Well, it's just Sept. 2, but my to-do list is long.  It includes mundane tasks like trimming shrubs, organizing cabinets, and cleaning closets.  It also includes yoga -- I will take many classes from my long-time mentor and friend, Sundari; I'll catch up on the Alchemy of Flow & Form webinar series that I signed up for 8 months ago (I'm on month 4!?!?!?); and, this morning, I signed up for a webinar with Doug Keller that addresses forward folds (he's also got another one about hamstrings that I'm interested in).

Even away from the yoga mat and studio, yoga is part of my life. For example, we just purchased a new travel trailer, so that - when we leave home - we can load dogs into the SUV, go to desired destination, and have our own place to sleep, eat, relax (no more hotels!).  There is so much to learn, it feels like the first time I stepped onto a yoga mat and began to hear the Sanskrit names for poses (think brain overload here).  But, thanks to the yoga, I realize and embrace the value of moving one step at a time -- an important aspect to driving and maintaining that trailer. Who knew?

A word about yoga class with Sundari last night -- we did hip openers and some twists, and we began on our backs. She is such a masterful teacher, I found myself doing much of the practice listening, with eyes closed, following her instructions. The practice was good, I felt great, and - best of all - I saw old friends among the mats. Good stuff! Looking forward to more.

Off to do nothing . . . (the to-do list kicks in tomorrow; my rule)

Have a great Tuesday,

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