Friday, October 3, 2014


I am back from a whole month away from Fallbrook and teaching yoga.  If you have read earlier posts, you know that I did attend classes during that time and did practice yoga.  And, I subbed one class for my friend, teacher and colleague, Sundari.

So, now I am back.  We returned Tuesday, I was able to enjoy Wednesday (paying bills, sorting stuff, grocery shopping, getting the SUV washed), and on Thursday I taught two classes.  Small ones, but classes nonetheless.

Truth be told, I took a page from Sundari's teaching during the month of September -- we worked legs, hips and core.  And, as she did, we began on the floor -- supine leg & hip work is SO much more manageable that standing.  Gradually, we made our way to standing and gave some movement accompanied by breath (or breath accompanied by movement?) a try -- sort of a flow, if you will.

This will be short -- my computer is sluggish (too much for my taste); and it has me lobbying for a new one.  It's hard to believe that this Mac was a gift to me from Howard back when I began writing this blog (6-7 years?).  I do know that one silly thing I did in the blog was document each of the 30 day leading up to my 60th birthday.  Well, I am fast approaching 65, so it has to be at least 6 years).   Off to the Apple store, a visit with the genius bar, and maybe a bit of 'window' shopping.

I do begin a new teaching adventure today - a class for students dealing with Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's Disease.  This will be a one-hour class, adapted to whatever their skills and/or limitations are. Breath / Body Awareness / Calming the 'Monkey Mind'.

Will write more about this class, as it progresses.

Hope you all have a great Friday!

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