Saturday, March 17, 2018


Since my last post.  Here is a brief list of happenings in my life and teaching:

1.  I've enrolled and been participating in the Yoga Therapy Program at Loyola Marymount / Los Angeles.

2.  My classes, for a reason unknown to me, have grown to double the size of last year (and, are remaining stable).

3.  I am guiding the 5th 200-Hour Teacher Training at Sage Yoga Studios in Fallbrook.

4.  We got a new puppy (well, he's almost 16 months old now). Because he is a barker - in particular at one neighbor; we believe that neighbor shot him in the eye with a BB gun.

5.  Grandsons are growing UP -- one will graduate from high school this Spring and is off to college in the Fall.

To expand on the above:

1.  In October, when we returned from our month in Driggs, I was 'hungry' -- not for food, but for more knowledge. I had looked at the Yoga Therapist program last year (2016), decided it was too complicated to get in and looked away. In October 2017, I looked at it again. Applied. And was accepted into the second level of a four-level program.  My rationale for level 2, was that level 1 involved muscles and skeleton and I've had lots of study there; level 2 involves respiratory, endocrine, ayurveda, etc. -- elements I find lacking in my knowledge base. The level 2 program is one year in length -- averaging to one weekend per month. I drive to LA on Saturday morning, spend the afternoon in lecture, then spend the night, more lecture on Sunday morning/afternoon, and finish up on Sunday about 5pm, and home.  Except for the drive, it has been good for me to expand my horizon.

At this point, I don't see myself as a one-on-one yoga therapist, but I do see myself being better able to work with the students who walk into my classes with an injury, chronic condition or complaint.

2.  An added bonus to #1 is that my classes have grown since returning to Fallbrook in October 2017. I almost hate to write that, might jinx it.  Anyway, the four classes I teach in mornings are doing well, and I have hopes the one 5:30 class I started last month will grow with awareness.

Am I teaching differently? I think, yes. I am not afraid (afraid of losing people) to delve into the energetics of the body - bhandas, kleshas, koshas, chakras, etc. I also am emphasizing that there is much more to yoga than asana. This is a result of #1 (above); as I hear very experienced and knowledgeable teachers/therapists talk about yoga's affect on individuals.

And, I must admit, it is wonderful to be in a room of people who stick with me week after week.

3.  The 5th Teacher Training is well underway. These are small trainings. Since Reyna (studio owner) and I are main teachers for the program, 4-6 people is about the max for their benefit. This training is a bit different from previous ones, in that I started them teaching in week 2 of the 16-week course. We still do anatomy, philosophy, teaching methodology, but the actual teaching (I feel) will serve them as they move on after this course.

4.  Yes, the puppy - Beau. He is a great dog -- energetic, smart -- but not what we've been used to in past dogs. How? Well, he doesn't enjoy people other than myself and Howard. He'll tolerate them, but it's best to let him do the approaching rather than try to reach out to him. We got Beau to keep our younger 'old' dog company, in the event the old 'old' dog passes (he has a liver tumor). At this point all three are going strong - which is a good thing.  Beau is an English Shepherd - his breed's job is to protect the 'farm'. And he has had an ongoing feud with one neighbor. Began playfully, but has gotten a bit more assertive with age. Last month, I came home to find his eye full of blood, the result of a BB lodged between eyeball and lid. Since the feuding neighbor is the only neighbor bordering the area of our yard fenced for dogs, we asked him if he did it. He admitted he didn't think the gun was loaded. Then denied it to sheriff's. (It's a crime, you know, to harm an animal.) So, we are in the midst of trying to save eyesight in the affected eye, and deal with the neighbor. Enough.

5.  And, the grandsons -- growing!!! Jake will graduate high school, then go to college; Nick plays basketball and is trying his hand at some thespian work.  The So. Cal. Grandsons are now 7, 9 and 11 years of age -- all playing soccer, football and lacrosse! Not sure how parents do it, but they are all at their games on time and ready.  We'll go to the HS graduation in Kansas in May; in the meantime, we have lots of games to choose from for the younger 3.

After months of neglecting this blog; it seems I've written a novel. I hope I'll be able to shorten my diatribes in the future and with more regularity.

In the meantime, take care!

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