Saturday, February 14, 2009


As a late-blooming yogi, Anusara™ entered my life 10 years ago when I started public classes at The Yoga Center (interestingly, the studio I now own) with Marlene Lambert. Marlene introduced me to the concept of "Grace", which to me - at that time - meant moving gracefully. As a golfer and runner, 'grace' (in any form) had never been part of my vocabulary.

4-5 classes a week and 5 years later, I began attending public classes with Adam Ballenger and experienced Inner Harmony with John Friend (!) . The rest is history ...

Since that first experience with John in 2004, my free time has been spent attending workshops, trainings, traveling to Costa Rica for his inaugural retreat there, pushing myself into any Anusara™ studio or class I could find while traveling. As a 'shy' person, traveling to and attending an Anusara™ workshop, training or class has, at times, been intimidating and scary -- but, always, a rewarding growth experience.

This blog is intended to communicate with and learn from other Anusara-Inspired™ yoga instructors. First, if any of you know how to get the trademark symbol into this blog, please let me know!

As to "Grace", one of the most eloquent descriptions for "Opening to Grace" came to me from Karen at Garden Street Yoga -- check out her blog, Nov. 24, "No Excuses" entry. As a long-time reader of hers and Christina's blogs (also linked), this is the first one that, as I read it, took me to tears -- and, not just one tear, it opened a floodgate. After reading, do you even wonder why I am an avid fan of her blog?!?!?

Take care.

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