Friday, May 8, 2009


I have started teaching a class each Tuesday and Thursday afternoon called YogaHour (very original). It's a bargain price ($4) and is collecting a group of followers - not necessarily because of the price, but perhaps because it's just an hour and it's a good time of day for them.

Whatever their reason, they come to class with light hearts, ready to move after a day of work, household management, dealing with kids, whatever.

Each class, I have spent time coming up with a one-word theme and a pose to work towards (and, I am logging those - as mentioned in an earlier blog - to avoid repetition).

Yesterday, I felt a bit tired and at the start of class, I didn't have a word (Oh, No!). What do I do? Well, I asked the group for a word. The first word to come forth was "FREE". An offering of a college student who had just finished her last final of the year.

As Anusara-Inspired™ instructors, we are working to develop verbage to embrace and transmit our theme to students, making their yoga practice memorable for more than just its physical movement. With the contribution of the word "FREE", and no time to prepare, I had to improvise.

Here is my discovery: it was EASIER! -- At least in this case, to incorporate the sense of freedom into the class, to find poses that represented that feeling, to have fun without the pressure of having prepared and hoping it will work. I think they (the students) left feeling good; I know I did -- the tiredness was gone and I felt, well, FREE. Once in a while, this may be a good thing to repeat.

Ready for the weekend,

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