Sunday, June 7, 2009


In less than two weeks, life at home (as I've known it) will change.

Take a breath, surrender (but, not too much), and stay open -- that must be my mantra over the next weeks, months, etc.

Why, you ask? Because my husband will begin working from home -- from an office located IN our home. Explanation: his company was recently sold and the buying corporation supports their consultants out of home offices. I guess with the amount of traveling required in his profession, that does make economic sense.

So, unless he is traveling, my quiet time at home will need to be adjusted.

Look for the good, you say. Well, it will be preparation for his retirement in 5 or so years. Also, as we prepare the new home office -- the house is getting a cleaning it has needed for a LONG time.

Don't get me wrong, after 25+ years of marriage, I still love and enjoy his company. I also enjoy my current routine; which allows me a ton of freedom. It will be an adjustment, a re-alignment, and will probably work out just fine. Change, tho, is never easy.

This, too, is yoga -- just off the mat.

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