Monday, June 8, 2009


almost out of control...

Ever notice that - just about the time you think things are calming down, are under control - you really look at your calendar and each day has suddenly become filled with classes to teach, classes to take, studio management tasks, a bit of travel, preparation for Christina's workshop, etc., etc., etc. (Those etc.'s include housework and yardwork -- almost overwhelming!) Oh, and don't forget -- I am still striving to get that Certification application in.

Breathe, surrender (but, not too much), stay open ...

Back to teaching --- my classes last week were fun. I seem to be gathering a somewhat loyal and regular (as regular as my demographic will allow) group of attendees. What I enjoy most is seeing the 'lights come on'. I love it when you can tell from the body language or the verbal exchange that the instructions and the students' actions as a result have created an opening and/or response in their bodies.

Looking back on my past years of yoga classes, I know that in the beginning I got pretty conditioned to just going through the motions -- not noticing what was happening. That is, until Anusara®. Anusara® makes me think; it gives me tools to explore what's happening as I practice (those same tools help me grow in my practice).

I hope that, as I observe my students, they are noticing -- they are figuring out the puzzle, as I call it -- 'if I do this, this happens; if I do that, that happens', and so on. It will make them much more aware and able to bring more yoga into their practice (and lives), and - we hope - it will make yoga a more important and valuable part of their routines.

So you don't think I'm totally oblivious to what's going on, I do know there are yoga teachers out there who don't teach Anusara®, but who do bring this level of awareness to their students' practices. I see them do it each day in my studio. Kudos to them!

Enjoy your week,

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