Thursday, November 5, 2009


If you read yesterday's post, you know I began 'twittering'.  This morning, I decided it would be a good idea to learn exactly how to go about this new venture.  Unfortunately, I have yet to find the easy step-by-step instructions.  I seem to have stepped right into something that's so developed, it feels like I'm a beginning skier being taken to a black diamond slope.  Makes my head hurt!

I decided to read about 'hashtags' (in my vernacular, the pound - # - sign).  After reading about them, I still do not know WHY they are used.  If anyone can help, please let me know.   The good thing:  I've probably used the word 'vernacular' once in the past 25 years -- so, all this will expand my vocabulary if nothing else.

Enough -- maybe I'll twitter something today; then see what happens.  And perhaps, like Facebook, things will become clearer as I work with it. 

Video'd my Gentle Yoga Class yesterday.  I did this just for me, besides I'm not sure that it would be viewable by anyone but myself.  Especially since, during the quad stretches, there was considerable groaning, complaining, and even the previously heard "gentle my a_ _" utterance.   Obviously, I don't do that kind of stretching often or enough.  I hope this comment doesn't affect attendance (if anyone is reading from the class).  Remember, the poses we need to do most are usually the least comfortable poses for us!

Today, Wayne's class and then pilates with Cindy (4th time this week!).  Why 4 times?  She asked me to step in for another student during her (Cindy's) evaluation.  I found out she speaks the truth -- many pilates instructors get up close and personal as they teach.  Lots of guiding, manually adjusting, etc., all to give us - the student - a tactile reference  (another very rarely used word). 

I'll teach YogaHour at 4 pm, then Yoga Specific at 5:45 pm (tonight's topic:  Hips).

And - finally - your daily reminder:  just 24 days!

Hope your day goes well,

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