Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Are we ready for Christmas?  Are we ready for family, gift-giving, celebrations, traditions, etc?  Are we also ready for some disappointment?  Some disillusionment, when expectations are not met?

Such a fragile time for many people.  It's important for me to remember that.  I was reminded by a phone call this weekend.  A friend, now divorced, dropped her children off at the ex's home.  In that short time, she was bombarded by festivities, old friends, her children's excitement in that environment -- a glimpse of 'Christmas Past', so to speak.

'Christmas Present', for her is good.  She's found a path to a profession she loves and a life that fulfills her.  She's more independent, more confident.  She does her best to maintain the relationship for her children with their Father.  Her ex's decision to leave was one of those challenges that has turned into a blessing -- at least, 95% of the time.

And, 'Christmas Future' will be even better.  She will continue to grow.  Her children will thrive with her love and support.

However, the glimpse of 'Christmas Past' was disturbing to her.  Caused her pause, caused her to question the present and the future.   No need.  Her present and future is so much better than the past; but those reminders and glimpses of the past are still painful.  

My friend doesn't practice yoga; but this is her yoga.  This is her opportunity to view these challenges as blessings, to recognize (and accept) her greatness, and to proceed on her journey to a fulfilling, yet different future than she had planned 5 years ago.

My yoga is to recognize her pain, accept it, not try to argue with it; but, also insert a reminder, here and there, to her of her beauty, her gifts, her fortitude, her perseverance.

May your holiday season meet and exceed your expectations.  If it doesn't, then look deeply for the blessings -- they are there.

Enjoy Tuesday,

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