Wednesday, December 23, 2009


As in, slowing down for the Holidays.  The house is decorated, the gifts are bought (and shipped, if necessary), now just slow down and wait.   A nice feeling to begin this day.

When Anusara® initiated the category of Inspired™ instructor, I was among the first to sign on. I viewed Certification as something I might do some day; but, at that time, Inspired™ was enough.   As I completed my Level II Teacher Training with Martin & Jordan Kirk, in 2007, I decided to step out of my protective shell and say it, "I want to be Certified".  That set me on a 2-year path to this moment.

I began working with my mentor, Sundari, and I began to infuse my studies with the goal of being Certified.  A bit unreasonably, I hoped to be Certified by the time I turned 60, and I would joke with fellow students -- "CBS, Certified By Sixty".  I even joked about having a t-shirt made up.  Glad I didn't.

So, here I am 60 (+ a few weeks) and I mailed my application with Sundari's recommendation last week; now I wait for word that I am accepted.  Once that happens, a new journey begins.  New trials -- like, getting very familiar with my video camera.  Not to mention the test (I remember once a young woman, whose profession was some kind of scientist, saying it was like writing her thesis all over again -- that is a bit daunting).

But, I know this stuff.  I study, I read, I practice, I meditate, I look for ways to improve my teaching and to empower my students.  I am ready.

What does all this have to do with the first paragraph of this blog -- my whole journey in yoga has been slow and steady.  A gradual progression that makes me happy, makes me feel good about myself and the impact I have on others.  So, onward -- slow and steady, even if I'm a bit giddy about it all.

Have a great Wednesday,

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