Friday, December 4, 2009


Thursday was a fun yet challenging day -- I asked for challenges, right? 

I attended Wayne's class in the a.m. -- fun class during which we did some inversions and backbending poses.  For the first time, I was able to get up into Sirsasana II by myself and stay there.  That is, after a failed first attempt.  Word of warning -- the Revolution mats are mercilous with your hair.  How do I know this?  I tried getting up in Sirsasana II the first time, only to fall off to the side (very  nice cartwheel action, tho).  Unfortunately, the mat did such a good job of being 'sticky' that when I re-set myself for a second attempt -- there, staring me in the face, was a BIG lock of my already-short hair.  Luckily I have very thick hair, so I don't think it will show.  Despite that, I am very pleased about Sirsasana II -- that's a first for me without help and without feeling like my neck is taking an unhealthy beating.  I was very aware of pressing my head into the floor; extending the neck, rather than collapsing into it.    

After class, I took a few minutes for my Tigress challenge -- 3 attempts at press-up handstand.  Attempts is a good word -- I find that putting my feet on blocks, my hands on the floor, and my back against the wall makes an interesting place to exit from.  But, I did it.  I plan to watch Amy's video this morning; maybe (I'm sure) I'll pick up a tip or two to help. 

Then home to do a bit of housework and laundry.  I recently saw an ad -- "no one should have to do housework".  Well, maybe no one 'should', but some of us do (that doesn't mean we like it, however, or that we're going to run out and get a housekeeper).  I guess I'd rather use our financial resources elsewhere; after all how much mess can 2 people, 2 dogs, 2 cats and 2 birds make?  A lot! 

Back down to the studio to teach 4 pm YogaHour and 5:45 Yoga Specific.  YogaHour was fun - nice group of women, a couple of who had never done Virasana.  Their comment:  "a whole new world".  The jury's out on whether they like the 'new world' of virasana.  Few do, I find, on their first (or second) attempt.  I also challenged them to take their hand into a 'new world' during the second round of trichonasana; i.e. if they put their hand on their shin, try taking it to the floor; or, if they put their hand on a block, lower the block height.  Wonderful to watch!

My regular crew of 'boomers' or 'post-Title 9' (as one liked to refer to herself, age-wise), didn't show for Yoga Specific.  I have a feeling that their lives are full and that yoga, while good for them, is not a priority yet - especially during the holidays.  I could be wrong; I'd love to be wrong -- I enjoy them all. 

Instead, the group was small, very small -- as in 3 very diverse students.  One, very strong; one, with a beautiful practice yet not quite the stamina of the first; and one, struggling with some physical issues.  Each required a different set of instructions.  I guess you could say, that the blessing of this small group was that it was small -- any more, and I might have been tearing more of my hair out.  While I love the challenge of figuring out what people can (will) do and then giving them that, sometimes I wish for a class of equally-matched students (careful what I wish for).  This experience, tho, is so good for me and so challenging. 

Challenge was the word of the day.  Now, what will Friday bring?  Cold outside, that's for sure. 

Enjoy your day,

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