Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Tomorrow night my studies will expand as I begin a 3-class teleconference series conducted by Sally Kempton, "Dancing With The Divine Feminine".

Previously, I have read her book and many of the articles she has written (I literally printed each out from her website, read each, checking them off as read; devouring the information she transmits in her writing.).  For a couple years now, I have received invitations to participate in one of these series; the time wasn't right or schedule didn't work -- something always in the way.  The next 3 Wednesday evenings I'm keeping open, just for this.

I notice a bit of trepidation.  I know how to act in an asana workshop, I know how to conduct myself in a yoga training;  I have not, however, placed myself in a dedicated philosophy/meditation workshop or training - until now.  It's happened sporadically (i.e. Paul Muller-Ortega in Park City a couple years ago, and John's messages during the many workshops & trainings I've attended with him).  Or, as mentioned above, through reading -- Sally's work, Douglas Brooks' writings, Paul Muller-Ortega; plus the many cd's and dvd's out there.  Can't forget the Immersions -- got lots of philosophy there, as well.

My knowledge, or lack thereof, will be revealed -- to me.  I almost wrote 'to Sally and everyone participating'.  Take that back -- I am most worried that I will realize how much I don't know.  To be honest, the philosophy has been tough to absorb.  Perhaps because, in the Immersions especially, there was so much being offered, that I just was not able to fully embrace it all.

Not that I haven't learned anything over the years -- I do notice that each time I re-visit a reading or a point of philosophy, it becomes clearer.  Maybe it won't be as bad as I worry it will be.  No better time than the present to find out and start to fix it.  Right?  Right!

Besides, I am excited to work with Sally and the other who will participate -- a great opportunity.  I'll keep you posted.

This morning I will trek down to Wayne's class, then some errands, then to The Yoga Center to meet with a prospective instructor and to teach YogaHour at 4.

Hope you have a great day,

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