Friday, January 29, 2010


Several times yesterday, I thought -- "this is a good topic for my blog, maybe tomorrow".  Little things that happened in classes, little acknowledgements by students, breakthroughs for some, stuff like that.

All my memory, tho, was wiped clean with one e-mail.  The one e-mail from Anusara® telling me that I am accepted onto the Certification 'path'.

Yesterday's sequence of events (I am writing them down because this is such a momentous time for me, I need to remember it!):

  • Attended Wayne's class.  Before and after the class, Wayne and I talked about the process once an application for Certification is submitted to Anusara®.  My parting comment to him as I left Kula, "well, maybe I'll get to The Yoga Center and find an e-mail telling me that I'm accepted".  
  • Had a bite of lunch, shopped for a chocolate stash at Whole Foods (not sure where I will find this stuff in downtown San Francisco, so better be prepared).
  • Home to throw some laundry in, do other 'home' duties.
  • To The Yoga Center.  Opened my e-mail at 3:25 pm, and there it was -- the e-mail telling me that I'm accepted!
  • I just sat and smiled.
Then, wouldn't you know, Sundari (my good friend and mentor) calls within 5 minutes of my opening that e-mail.  Now, that's coincidence (or something else)!  She was just calling to check in, to say 'Hi'.  After I told her the news, we both just kept saying "that's great", "yeah, it is", that's great", "yeah it is".  Then a bit of chat about our day; she was off to skate ski, I to teach YogaHour.  

When Howard arrived in town last night, I shared the news with him, followed with "now the work begins".  His reaction, "that's great; but haven't you been working?"

Yes, I have.  This 'new' work will have a different flavor, a challenging flavor, a more satisfying flavor, a flavor of work enhanced just by being accepted.  

Are you wondering about the breakthrough moment mentioned in paragraph one?  Well, the class was lying in supine tadasana, working to create contact between their thighs and the floor.  I offered a manual adjustment to one student with a puzzled look on her face, and then - ta da - thighs to the floor.  Her eyes opened wide, a smile spread across her face -- small breakthroughs are sometimes as monumental as the big ones.  

Have a great Friday (I'm still smiling),  

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