Monday, February 8, 2010


Up early yesterday (Sunday) morning to pack, pick up the house, put the menagerie in order.  All done, ready to walk out the door -- where are the car keys?  A lesson in breathing to stay calm.  We have two cars, but the plan was I'd take a specific car to the airport and Howard would arrive later in the afternoon, and use that car to drive home -- he took that car's keys on his travels.

Well, thankfully he called as I was beginning a somewhat frantic search, and we worked out another plan involving the car for which I COULD find keys.

So -- on my way, all else went smoothly.  Arrived with enough daylight to take a short walk, buy some bottled water, and find dinner.  I did find a great little hole in the wall with Greek food.  Not much to look at (the restaurant), but the food was some of the best I've had.  Sometimes you just have to trust.  Picked up coffee along the walk back to the hotel.  Unpacked a bit more, turned on the television for the SuperBowl -- couldn't find it (maybe a pay channel).  When I looked at a news channel, the blip I saw showed New Orleans trailing -- oh well, watched a movie instead.

This morning I read that New Orleans won -- hooray for my choice.  I should have guessed it from the noise in the streets -- many San Franciscans must be Saints fans, as well.

Planning to leave for the venue in an hour or so, with time to pick up coffee along the way.

First two days of a training like this are always a stretch for me (emotionally and physically).  I will (or have in the past) run the gamut from "I deserve to be here" to "What business have I got in this room".  Inner Critic loves to get in her 2-cents worth.  This training, tho, is different.  I arrive with more tools in my belt (more time spent studying), and the added element of the application being in and accepted to the process helps.

My plan is to try to blog each day about the training (not just lost car keys, football, etc.).  We'll see how it goes.

Enjoy Monday,

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