Saturday, February 20, 2010


Friday night with Desiree -- what better way to spend it!  And, getting my hips opened a bit, to boot.  In fact, I actually got the left leg extended in eka hasta padangusthasana.  Right leg still sticking a bit, right about the hamstrings, so that knee remained slightly bent -- but, progress!

I needed some progress on that pose, in particular.  Have you ever been working on something and just felt STUCK.  Like it will never happen, no matter what you do or how warm you get.  Last night gave me a glimmer of hope, that all is not lost, that the pose may still happen for me.  I have a couple new tricks in my bag now.

That wasn't all.  I felt my head against my shin as I attempted to take it under the leg (you had to be there).  Then there was galavasana -- feet coming off the floor, and staying elevated for several (or many) breaths.  Keep working that one and pretty soon I'll be extending the back leg to the SKY!!!

All this excitement from hip openers.   For me, tho, my hips are TIGHT, still -- you'd think they'd give a bit after 12+ years.  They definitely were given great opportunities to open last night.

More today -- a good sized group last night, and I heard many registering for today's sessions.  Should be good!   I know it will be fun.  

First, tho, I have a class to teach this morning.  So better plan that one.

Have a great Saturday (I plan to),

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