Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Last year I participated in a week-long Ayurvedic cleanse conducted through teleconference sessions by Cate Stillman (a Certified Ayurvedic Specialist and Certified Anusara® yoga instructor).  Truth be told, at that time, I was nervous.  I had never done a cleanse before (except for the one required by a colonoscopy about 4 years ago - I wouldn't call that one fun; but, with a good outcome, it does create peace of mind for a while.).

Last month, while I was in Driggs at Christina's workshop (YogaTejas), Cate passed out fliers for another teleconference cleanse.  What did I do?  Sign up.


Perhaps it's because the experience I had during the previous cleanse with Cate was a good one.  No strict rules, just a common sense approach to the process (Cate's style, I find).  Eating options, ideas to stave off hunger beating at your door, and body-care ideas (oils, etc.).  And, when it was done I felt good and people told me I looked good.  I remember those comments; what I remember is the comment that I looked 'clear' -- that's where I want to be again.   Interesting how we shift -- 10 years ago, my goal would have been to look 'svelte & slim'; today, I want to look 'clear'.

Since that cleanse, I've fallen off the 'good eating wagon' several times and (according to the scales at the Doctor's office) gained 9 lbs!!!  The training in San Francisco was a good time for me to climb back on.  Something about trainings 'kick-starts' my good eating habits.  Through the stress of the past few weeks, I've managed to stay on board that wagon, but just barely -- clinging by my fingernails (what's left of them).  I need to feel really good as I move through the next few weeks/months, so an additional reason to take care of myself by watching what goes in my mouth.

Additionally, I remember Cate talking about discipline during the cleanse.  Applying discipline to our eating habits!?!?!?!  What a concept.  But - what I love about Cate - is that she doesn't mean rigid discipline.  She means recognizing when we've fallen off our 'good eating wagon', not beating ourselves up about it, but - for sure - climbing back on after we recognize the offending behavior.  Doing the best we can.

So, the teleconference goes like this -- 3 sessions with Cate (and the group) in a conference call, before-during-after the cleanse.  I remember that she sent out lots of material -- pre-cleanse routines, recipes, during-the-cleanse practices, and re-entering your 'real eating world', etc.  Then, we could always contact her during the process for support.

I didn't start writing this as an advertisement for the cleanse, but because it's on my mind.  And - for me - it will be another challenge.  I'm starting to gear up for it now -- begins April 14.

My class yesterday turned out to be a private.  A gentleman about my age, who has done yoga before, is a bike rider (pedals, not motor), and very fit.  He had never done Anusara before.  Parting comment - 'when do you teach again; I'll bring my friend'.  Music to my ears.  Reminds me of the line from a Broadway musical:  "I'd rather be 9 peoples' favorite thing, than 100 peoples' 9th favorite thing."

Today?  Yoga with Wayne -- looking forward to it, it's been a while.  Then teaching YogaHour at 4 pm.

Have a 'eatin good' Tuesday,

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