Wednesday, March 31, 2010


If it exists, I experienced it yesterday - 'blog withdrawal'.  An almost-panicked feeling of 'what do I do?', 'how can I fix this, NOW!'

My computer acted up yesterday morning, a kind of morning rebellion I guess.  Would not allow me to sign in to do my blog entry for the day.  And, try as I might, I couldn't fool it into letting me -- even trying an alternative entry (Firefox vs. Safari).  So, at least I was able to make an appointment at the 'Apple Repair Store', and trooped down there after Wayne's class.  Software updated, all seems to be well this morning.

Today, I've forgotten what great things I wanted to write about yesterday -- all lost to the panicked moments.   So, onward --

BJ Galvan is doing a 'playshop' at my studio (The Yoga Center), June 4-6.  She spent a weekend with us 2 years ago, and it was fun.   And, I've watched her work and grow since then -- so, this year will be even more fabulous.  Her reputation is growing, as well -- already getting questions and comments like "I've wanted to study with her forever!"  I love it !

I met BJ 4 years ago at my first Therapy Training with John in Cincinnatti.  I remember working with her on some of our partner stuff and the impression I got was how open, welcoming and helpful she was.   If you haven't done a Therapy Training yet, be prepared to learn while being worked on -- lots of demos, then lots of trial/error work with partners.  By the end of a week like this, no matter how good the adjustments, I admit I'm a bit tired of being prodded, pushed, and assisted into poses.  So, open - welcome - helpful were good things for me to encounter at the first of these types of trainings.

At that training, BJ and I shared lunch with each other one day, sharing 'grandmother stories'.  At that time she wasn't Certified or Inspired; then - boom! she was off like a shot to Certification.  Such a great student.  Today, there are few moments when she's not surrounded by people at training and workshops.  And yet, she never seems to forget -- reminding me of how great I look and sending me e-mails of congrats (i.e. when my application was accepted to Certification).  She's an example of Anusara® in action.

While we can never be an exact replica of her, we can aspire to remember those qualities of open, welcoming and helpful.  I think I'm doing it, tho I can always do better.

A short story:  I stood in a restroom line one day in Park City during a training with John.  Long line - people in front and back of me - lots of talk going on.  I turned to look back and a young woman smiled at me and said 'hello'.  I said 'hello', then turned away.  Because of the excited, expectant look on her face, it occurred to me that she might be new, and - remembering how intimidating that is sometimes - I turned back and started a conversation.  In fact, she was attending her first 'John' event and was excited to be there.  People like BJ teach me those skills; they don't come naturally for me.

May I always remember that story and always be open, welcoming & helpful to the new person (or the person standing alone) at these events, or even in a public class, or even in the grocery line.  Even if they don't care, or don't need/want my attention, I'll feel better for doing it; for making the effort.

March gave a good growl on her way out.  Windy and dusty in SLC yesterday; and, this morning, there's a skiff of snow on the ground.  Early morning private today, then Gentle Yoga.

Have a nice day; good to share the start of it with you,

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