Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Sundari has reminded me from time to time that handling my parents as they approach their nineties is also my yoga.  I'm glad she said that to me, it makes things a bit easier to put it into a context other than 'them and me'.

Why?  Because 'them' is not so pleasant right now.  They are a bit unsettled by the move into skilled nursing and assisted living (who wouldn't be?).  That means that I am the major moving target in the field of their anger/anxiety/depression/sadness/worry/etc/etc/etc.

As for 'me', well - let's just say I could put my fangs out as well.  The thing I need to remember is that it won't do any good and will only damage relationships going forward.  I just need to remember that all this is for their good and stay the course, no matter what arguments I hear.  Trust my belly (gut) instincts.

I just looked for some correlation of the belly with yoga (I know I've read about it somewhere in the past).  What I found is that the belly correlates with the first 3 chakras --- I've copied what I found from an article in Yoga Journal:

"A healthy first chakra replaces fear, worry, and anxiety with a sense of trust, security, and confidence. In its clear expression, the second chakra dispels frustration, boredom, and disappointment, promoting creative imagination, discernment, and sensual delight. As the energy of the third chakra flows freely, feelings of jealousy, anger, resentment, hostility, and greed give way to a secure sense of personal empowerment."

So, what can I take from this -- when approached with clarity, my gut instincts reflect confidence, discernment, and personal empowerment -- all characteristics that will benefit me during this time.

Sorry to stray from the yoga theme for a moment; but, we all will have these moments.  It is helpful to accept and work with them as yoga away from my mat.

Thank you to all who have sent well wishes; and a special thank you to the teachers at my studio, who are filling in for me during my absence and keeping the place afloat.

Have a great Tuesday,

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