Saturday, April 24, 2010


First, about the title -- we are on TV - the Gentle Yoga class that I teach each Wednesday morning at 10 a.m.  I probably mentioned it a couple weeks back - about a reporter and cameraman coming in to film the class and to interview me and two others.  Well, the piece appeared on Thursday and again on Friday.  To see it, go to: .

I am pleased with the piece; not pleased with my appearance -- my voice is different than I think (isn't everyone's?), my backside looks larger than I would like (is that the 5 or 10 lbs. they talk about when you're on camera?), and my posture - when I'm not thinking about it - could use some work.  All things I know about myself, but glaringly exposed for me on the screen.

On the other hand (when I'm not thinking about ME), the content is good, the other interviews were great.  The reporter and cameraman did a good job.  I've gotten comments and phone calls, as a result.  People are curious about yoga's value for someone with back pain - mild, moderate or significant.  That's a good thing.

Yesterday's Gentle Yoga class was great -- 9 people in the room.  That rarely happens on a Friday.  Something about the weather?  Whatever it was, it was fun.  Even a student from Martha's Vineyard - referred to me by a fellow teacher there.  We continued with the hips and restorative.  While I sometimes wonder if I give them enough variety, an after-class comment alleviated that worry, for now ("you always add something in that's different").  I do think there's more that I could teach using modifications, so I keep my eyes and ears and mind open.

What about the rest of the title for this post? I hope it will keep me on track this morning.

The history?  Well, 8 months ago (in the midst of road construction around the studio), we (me and instructors) met to review income and expenses for the studio.  For me and them, it was eye opening.  Considering that numbers were down (we believe due to the construction), we made some adjustments, including elimination of the housekeeping expense.

For the first 4-6 months, things went fine; then my parents got sick, I was out of town for a while.  Thankfully, the instructors stepped up and emptied trash, picked the place up, and kept it running.  I returned.  They continue to empty trash and help out when they see something that needs to be done.  I am grateful.

No one, however - including me - seems to like to vacuum.  (The studio is so old and the underpinnings so crooked, that nothing but an industrial carpet was appropriate when I re-vamped it a few years ago. Hence, the vacuum.)  So, it's been a couple weeks.  I must get in there well before class TODAY and run that big orange monster.  Actually, not to denigrate the vacuum -- it is a very nice one, that practically runs itself.

Oh well, all this to say that the floors need vacuuming and I must do it this morning - no more procrastinating.

But first, coffee and blogging.  Ahhh, priorities.

Teaching at 9 at The Yoga Center - Level 1, Anusara-Inspired&TM;.

Have a satisfying Saturday and a wonderful weekend,

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