Monday, April 26, 2010


I started this blog with a reference to something I read this morning.  I erased my initial tirade -- decided it's not worth it.  Sometimes I just have to let things go; stay out of the poison, so to speak.  This blog is about me, after all.

But, it does bring up a good point -- I have been told and reminded that as I study, as I practice, as I teach longer and become more experienced, people will be attracted to me; to what I have to offer.  But, I still wonder whether I should do more to attract more attention.  What should I do or how should I act in order to attract people into my field?  (This reflects a bit of my own impatience.)

Well, since I see it happening (more people coming into my field, albeit slowly), here is my step-by-step plan: 
  1. Do the best job I can.
  2. Accept the place I'm in.  
  3. Treat people as I want to be treated.
  4. Do not talk about others in any way, other than positively.
  5. Smile.
  6. Deal with my frustrations by myself (note: my husband's ears may burn a bit, at times).
  7. Stay above the fray, because - even in yoga - there is 'fray'.
  8. Have fun - people know if I love what I'm doing, and it makes everything more fun.
Right now, I'm a bit consumed with paragraph 1; wondering why people make questionable choices.  So, shift gears and move back to me -- what else will I do?  

     9.  Be patient.

Three of these things are points I heard years ago in a speech given by Lou Holtz:  Do what's right.  Do the best I can.  Treat others as I want to be treated.  These points struck such a cord when I heard them, they became a 'mantra' for the family and our son grew up with this as an understood 'code of ethics'.   
All this to say, no matter what outrageous things I think might attract attention into my field; if I stay on this simple path, people will be attracted to me.  
Think about this "I'd rather be 9 peoples' favorite thing, than 100 peoples' 9th favorite thing".  Granted, they are words from a Broadway musical, but there's meaning in them.  Because if 9 people like/love me and my teaching, they are bound to tell others.  In the second case, I doubt I'd get remembered in any conversation.

Also, for my own peace of mind -- don't allow things I read in inconsequential places 'get to me'.

Have a nice Monday,

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