Friday, May 21, 2010


I am enjoying my Grandsons - Jack, age 3+; and Brady, age 1+.  To Jack, I am Grandma Leslie; to Brady, Grandma 'Essie'.  And, Brady - when he says it - usually leaves off the 'grandma' part -- just 'Essie' is good enough.

As I get reacquainted with them (it's been since December), I can correlate some effort to yoga.  As in, I don't rush in -- take my time -- observe -- baby steps.  One memorable moment shortly after my arrival - Brady awakens from nap and is a bit 'grumpy'.  He is being held by his Mother and obviously that's exactly where he wants to be (and, I'm sure, he's trying to figure out just who I am).  It was that way for about 10 minutes.  I am wanting to hold and hug him, but stay back, just observing; letting Jack show me around. Then, all of a sudden, Brady stood up from her lap and ran over to me and into my arms.  Wow, what a welcoming that was - memorable and tear-creating.

Jack is more demonstrative - enjoys hugs immediately and wants to share things with me.  We made a bet last night with each other -- who would wake the other up first this morning. I felt confident I would be up and ready for him (I am an early riser, after all). I slept very well, awakened at 4:30, fell back to sleep. At 6, wouldn't you know, in runs Jack to wake me!  Darn it; he won the bet!

I am planning to enjoy the weekend. Try not to think about anything but grandchildren for a few days and direct my attention to them. Well, maybe a yoga class will feel good on Saturday morning. We'll see.

Hope you have a nice Friday and enjoy your weekend,

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