Thursday, June 10, 2010


First, kudos to April R. for stepping into the blog world -  One post so far, a good one.

Now, back to the topic at hand. Two days ago, as I was talking over ways to attract people to the studio, to my blog, into my life, etc., a friend suggested I list my studio on Facebook as a way to communicate studio activities with my 'fans' and friends. I admitted that I had thought about that action. Something was holding me back, tho. I know the studio has some very loyal fans out there. I also remember the campaigns put on to garner fans ('be the 400th fan and . . .' - like that). I just can't play that game.

So, I'll wait on that front for a while, because I'm obviously not ready.

In the meantime, comes an e-mail from BJ asking where/how to 'follow' my blog. Good question. There is a feature on this blog that allows readers to boldly tell the world that they read what I write. I purposely left that feature in the background when beginning the blog. Who wants the world to know that just one or two people regularly read my writing - because, many would argue if that's the case, then why am I spending the time doing it?

Two comments - first, why am I spending the time doing it? In the beginning, it might have been to garner worldwide fame and fortune. Now, however, through this writing another side of 'Leslie' has emerged. A more confident and curious part of her personality continues to manifest itself. A more giving side, as well. As in, I know this stuff; now, why don't I share it?

On telling the world who reads this blog. Step back to the ugly 3-letter word 'ego'. Maybe my number of readers won't measure up to others. Ah, the real reason comes out.

So, to stand up to this ugly friend - ego - I am going to 'stick my neck out' here and add that feature into the blog. If I'm brave enough, maybe readers will be brave enough to tell the world they read this missive. We'll see. You'll know that ego has won, when the feature disappears from the blog.

Interesting that I've come to handle 'ego' very effectively in my yoga practice. I find myself able to do my practice in a workshop like BJ's, work with/around my limitations, and rejoice in the accomplishments of others - without feeling pangs of envy, etc. But, put me into the world off the mat; the world where people tell you if they like you or not, and that 'ego' friend returns every time. Standing up to it, looking it in the face, might be the way to combat it. Who knows? In the yoga classroom or workshop, I've learned to slay 'ego' in favor of murdita; maybe the same effort - the effort of accepting whatever happens as I appreciate others' efforts - will work in other settings. Full, complete effort (purna) on and off the mat.

There has to be a theme in there; right now - however - it might sound like a 'poor me' theme, so I'd better let it rest and ponder it for a while before throwing it at a class of students. I'd better be able to offer a positive slant to it when I take it into the classroom. I must remember I want them to leave feeling better about themselves.

If you are still reading, I hope you'll forgive this rambling. Big steps often revolve around relatively little things in life, events that have little, long-term meaning. Yet, when I do take a big step, it feels like I'm stepping off a cliff (or sticking my neck out).

Teaching at 10, Everyone's Yoga at Kula; pilates at 1 with Cindy; YogaHour at 4 pm and Level 1 at 5:45, both at The Yoga Center (my place).

Enjoy the day,

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