Sunday, October 3, 2010


Today's the day (actually, this morning's the morning) that I'm having my "Good Stuff" Sale. Everything is laying in the entry, or on the sides of the garage, or in the side yards, waiting to be moved into place.  As soon as this is written and I've had a second cup of coffee (and it gets a bit lighter out), I'll start moving stuff into place.  I wonder who will show (or, if anyone will show).  My advertising is minimal, and the fact that it's just happening Sunday morning 8-12, may hamper attendance; we'll see.  No matter, it's a step towards de-cluttering.

Friday's Gentle Class was smaller, but no less fun. One long-time student returned from a cruise, and her sense of humor always adds to the fun mix ('Gentle, my a_ _!', she's been heard to utter in class.). These are the moments that will encourage me to print out my first 500 posts to this blog -- as a reminder of the really fun and enriching times I've experienced teaching yoga.

Friday afternoon was filled with cleaning (do you get the impression my house has been 'neglected' over the past couple years?), window coverings were returned, painter came to look at our deck which is in dire need of a sealing.  Then, the fun stuff, more yoga -- returned to The Yoga Center to participate in the weekly practice that Jen leads. What am I noticing these day?  The weight loss definitely enhances the feel of many poses. My hamstrings are stronger.  Once at the wall in handstand, I can stay there for longer and longer. There was more, but the list could get pretty long, so I'll stop here.

Do we think there is an "Anusara® Secret Shopper" network out there? I wonder. (FYI, a 'secret shopper' is a method employed by retail and service industries to ensure clients receive good service. They hire someone to shop and to report back.) O.K. - so why my question? I received a call in the midst of the Friday afternoon hubbub at the house, from a gentleman who had injured his back. He called for advice. After telling him he ought to see a physician, I tried to talk him through postural alignment and a couple things that might offer relief. A few more questions left me wondering; the capper? his e-mail address (I offered to send a link to JF's internet videos on back issues and posture). It included the word 'grace'. Maybe there isn't a network; just wondering, tho.

Saturday began with an early morning private. Student mentioned that her arms were weak, validated by a test her chiropractor performed. So, we did "L" at the wall -- no, not standing down dog, but the preparation for handstand. I think it's important for people to see they may not be as weak as someone else tells them they are. And, while I realize handstand is not a process of arm strength, the confidence you need can be easily deflated IF you think you're weak. First attempt, a face plant of sorts (whoops!); second attempt, both feet on wall, "L" beginning to form; then, she asked for a third go at it -- plant hands, lift hips, lift feet onto wall, move into pose -- easy as that.  Good stuff!  Better yet, she was beaming from ear to ear with excitement and amazement.

Level 1 students arrived. Not many will ask for specific things, nor do I always ask. This morning, I asked. Request for work at the wall. Which we did -- chest openers, wall dog, wall parsottonasan, modified Warrior I (block between knee and wall), modified parsvokonasan (top hand pressing into wall), chair pose (backside against wall), chair pose twist (backside against wall), full expression of vrksasana (foot on inner thigh, backside against wall for stability). Then 'L' pose for them, also -- each did it at least twice.  While we do many of these poses in the middle of the room routinely, the involvement of the wall offers stability and opening that may not happen otherwise. More good stuff!

Left for a bite of lunch, then returned to give a short talk to teacher training students on heart languaging, and my "Road to Certification" journey.  Appreciate being invited to do this; another 'comfort zone expansion' moment.

    "Good Stuff" Sale - 9-12 noon
    Sort the leftovers for donation
    Rest, relax, read, whatever

Hope you enjoy your Sunday,

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