Sunday, November 21, 2010


Yesterday's forecast for wind, rain, snow and blizzard-like conditions all came to pass. As I sit enjoying a cup of coffee, I glance up to see 12+" of snow on my deck railings.  I've shoveled once (about an hour ago), and there is 1-2 inches of accumulation since then on the floor of the deck.

Last year, we bought a new car. In our excitement, we bought a front-wheel drive vehicle. Why? Well, it's a stick shift, it's a bit sporty, and we liked it. What's the problem? Where we live, a 4-wheel-drive vehicle would have been a much smarter decision. Maybe that's my pride speaking. Why? Last night, as I drove home from the studio, the roads were wet; then slushy, as the elevation increased; then snow-covered, as I moved up the hill (mountain, actually), we live on. As long as I can keep 'er moving, it's o.k.  But, the route I chose included a stop, then a turn onto a steep part of our street. Can you see where this is going? Slipping and sliding, I proceeded another 30 yards, then had to give it up and back onto a side street and call for help.  Howard came down the two blocks (I was that close!) in the 4-wheel-drive vehicle and we switched vehicles. I followed.  Got to give him kudos -- he got that little, cute, sporty car moving on a somewhat circuitous route to our house, but - end result - we made it home. Him driving, me following. Snow tires? Ya think!  (Thanks, Bonnie, for that little phrase -- 'ya think' -- so useful at times.)

Plows are out. That's a good thing. Where we live, they plow our street first -- not sure why, because it's a dead-end, but I won't argue with them.

This has no bearing on Anusara-Inspired™ yoga teaching; just needed to tell the story.

Class yesterday went almost as planned. I did video, and it did go well. The video may not go anywhere, but here is what I learned:  that I can begin to include ("touch on", as the self-evaluation form says) the 5 UPA's in 50% of the poses. Not sure I did 50%, but I did give it a go; trying to find language that didn't sound like I was saying the same things, the same way, over and over. According to one student, it doesn't sound like I'm repeating myself - a good thing.  I also taught some partnering stuff, which some hadn't been exposed to before.  Best part - it was fun; and I think students enjoyed it.  Now, to combine fun with theme with heart quality with upa's with a good sequence with an appropriate apex pose -- piece of cake! (I wish.)

I spent much of the day at the studio, finally doing that paperwork I reference frequently. Got a lot done, still some to do. My fingers got to the point where I was repeatedly making typos on the data entry, so it was time to call it good.

Late in the afternoon, Heidi hosted a yoga birthday party for herself (to which I was an invited guest) at the studio I own. It was great fun to be in the studio with 18 others, practicing and laughing and celebrating Heidi. We had three instructors, each with a different style/manner of teaching. So nice when people come together like that to practice yoga.

  • Shovel snow
  • Shovel snow
  • Practice some yoga
  • Shovel snow
  • Shovel snow
Hope your Sunday is relaxing,

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