Saturday, December 4, 2010


ANSWER QUESTIONS AT THE APPROPRIATE LEVEL (Don't give too much information, you might overwhelm students.)
#7 - JF's Suggestions for Teaching

Yesterday, I think I said a bit about this one. I am known to offer all kinds of information. In one of my first teacher trainings (Desiree), she asked us to tell students 'why' -- why we do things this or that way. Well, I took that one to heart. I told people 'why' ad nauseum. Too much of a good thing is too much (no matter how good it is).
And, that's all I have to say about that. (Forrest Gump)
Today is a big day for me. I will enter a weekend of transition from studio owner to yoga instructor. Over the past few weeks, I've been in discussions with my friends, Sheldon & Lyndsey, to purchase the studio (a good thing).
After all, it's been 7 years. 7 years of steady growth, good instructors, quality yoga. And, Sheldon & Lyndsey will continue that. Additionally, they have the energy (and a lot of friends) to refurbish the space -- finally putting in those bamboo floors I always coveted, and raising the ceilings (which students will LOVE). And, doors into the practice room -- who knew !?!?!
It will be a bit of a juggling act through December - but, classes will remain the same - just shifting to another space for a few weeks. Then, come January, a grand re-opening. We'll keep everyone informed on where and what to expect.
Good and exciting stuff!
As things progress, I'll keep you posted. If you are a student of the studio, rest assured there are no big shifts (other than the remodeling and a bit of updating in recordkeeping) happening. Sheldon & Lyndsey will handle things differently than I did, but who wouldn't? And, in dealing with them, I see their vision for the studio remains much the same as mine has been.
So, see you all next week in classes; no change except that my title will be 'instructor' instead of 'owner'.
  • Private in about one hour
  • Level 1 at 9 am at The Yoga Center
  • Spend time with 'the husband' (if he reads this, I may get scowled at -- not sure if I'd like being called 'the wife' -- but, it's all in good fun)
Hope you have a great Saturday,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulating you on the changes, loved your studio, love your classes and your blog, many thanks and hope to see you soon! Best, Julie