Thursday, December 16, 2010


I just finished reading two comments on Tuesday's post and I have to agree -- I DO ROCK! Not one to make flourishing, wild statements about myself, so this is a departure for me.

By the time I pushed up to Urdhva Dhanurasana, I was about ready to give up. To say, 'forget it, it isn't going to happen', and then - even worse - the next step might have been, 'why am I putting myself through all this, anyway?'
Interesting that, just about the 'give up' time (at least for me), Grace steps in and offers a bit of a boost (or lift). And, then I have good friends to step in and offer their comments and support. Both Tiffany and BJ have played roles in my progress to UD; therefore, they get my thanks - for the shout-out and for their guidance over the years.
Yesterday's Gentle Yoga class was GREAT! If you haven't been paying attention, The Yoga Center (formerly owned by me and sold last week; a good thing) began receiving a 3-week renovation requiring we relocate classes 2 blocks away to a conference room. Talk about a way to potentially decimate classes -- but not the Gentle Yoga group! They turned out, almost in force -- and, since we do expect some downturn in numbers because of the holidays, this turnout was wonderful.
In the room were five regulars and three new-to-me students -- one who really wanted/needed a more active class (BTW, this is a challenge -- how to handle someone doing more advanced variations, in a group not there yet. My solution -- yesterday, I just let her do her stuff and focused on the rest in attendance.) The other two are new to yoga, as well as being a bit stiff and becoming re-acquainted with their bodies.
Gentle Yoga, in my book, is a class of celebration. Yesterday, I saw these things to celebrate, to name a few:
  • 8 people, some with significant limitations, braving some snow and a new location to get their yoga in.
  • A beautiful French quote by a long-time attendee of this class (can't remember exact definition; something like - we can't accomplish the journey if we don't take the first step - whoaaa!).
  • A first for one student -- no blanket under the knees. Why? Not sure, except that perhaps she is energizing her arms and core more as she becomes more conditioned to the practice, and taking pressure off the knees (?).
  • Heart opening, all around the room (we also, in this class, call this 'mud-flap posturing' - thanks to Suzanne); whatever works!
  • A compliment for all present (from one of the new-to-this-class students) -- the welcoming and fun nature of everyone attending this class makes it all the easier to do and enjoy the work!
  • Beautiful, expressive toes, postures and smiles all around the room.
Today's schedule:
  • Some housework
  • Pilates at 1pm with Cindy
  • My semi-private with the 'more-stiff-than-many' couple? We're taking a break til 2011 due to family visits and travel.
  • 4 pm YogaHour with ME! THIS WEEK'S UD ROCKSTAR!
Hope you have a great Thursday,