Friday, December 17, 2010


Ever had a word keep popping into your head - either through your own thoughts or other peoples' comments / writings? That is happening this week with this word - integrity. In fact, reminders have been present all along, I just forget once in a while.

Because it keeps 'popping' up, I went back to my 'handy dandy' computer dictionary/thesaurus and found this definition: The state of being honest and morally upright; whole and undivided. In the thesaurus, alternative words were: good character, ethical, unified, strength, solidity.
As to where it keeps 'popping' up for me:
  • In my yoga practice - I've been told I practice with integrity; I'm thinking the speakers of that comment meant I practice with strength, fullness and stability. I do as much as I can with my best effort, and I wait and watch and marvel at others who may have a more full expression of poses that are challenging to me (murdita).
  • As I enter this new phase (no longer a studio owner) - I have to shift gears to think and dream about what is next. Part of that process caused me to enter into an agreement with The Handel Group, and part of their contract with me is that I do the work asked with integrity -- I'm thinking that means I am going to have to be honest with myself and others as I move through the process. Most importantly and perhaps most difficult - to be honest with myself.
  • This morning, I looked at my blog list and saw Scott's name (BTW, Scott doesn't post every day, so I check this one about once a week.). Wouldn't you know, his most recent post topic was targeting integrity, as in "You cannot afford for even a moment to be out of integrity." He goes on "Be wary of your wayward mind and its incessant and insistent thoughts that your inner dramas are more important than what is going on right in front of your eyes." I like that -- 'inner dramas'; a nice way to describe thoughts that are having a field day for me right now -- perhaps the good part of owning the studio was that I had little time to think about 'inner dramas'. Now that I'm aware (Scott reminded me), I am also aware of the negative energy they are capable of bringing my way; so - be careful and stay awake (stay aware of what is 'drama' and what is truly my own story).
Now, I am back to thinking about 'planting a seed' of intention for the new year. Last year, my seed was 'clarity'; I believe this coming year's seed is meant to be 'integrity'.
Step me back 25 years to when we (my husband and I) used a tool from Lou Holtz (not sure if he practices any yoga) -- his 3 guidelines that he used coaching players on the Notre Dame team:
  1. Do what's right. You know if something is right or not; it is that gut feeling that comes up as we're about to do something difficult or challenging or wrong. In India and Asia, the belly is the seat of wisdom; I need to listen to it.
  2. Do the best you can. Simple and relatable, especially as I've done more work with John and Anusara®. The word 'purna' - fullness - can be applied here.
  3. Treat other people as you'd like to be treated. Simple, as well. Challenging at times; especially when I am unhappy with myself or a situation. Easiest thing then -- strike out! (and, that doesn't mean baseball). Take out my frustration with verbal barbs, sarcastic comments, etc. Scott's advice "come back to your heart as fast as you can and be earnest in your endeavors and dealings with others"
O.K. -- pep talk complete. Seed planted. This - by the way - can also be considered a 'tip'. And, if you need more, read Scott's post (click on the link to the right under 'list of favorites'
Today's plan:
  • Gentle Yoga at 10 am (guess what I'm talking about today - purna, as in giving it your best effort no matter where your poses are in relation to others or where your ego thinks you should be.)
  • Meeting at 2 pm to discuss a volunteer class
  • Some last minute stocking stuffers, and one big gift to find / purchase
Have a fun Friday,

1 comment:

Doc Savage said...

Funny, that same word has been floating around my head for a few days now also. I'm working on building a theme around it and truth and the Yamas. Much Love...