Why do I think so this morning. Well, over the weekend I spent at least two hours on my computer searching for a flier I created for the Bliss Brothers weekend workshop, coming to The Yoga Center in May 2011 (May 6-8, to be exact). I took myself to the point of frustration, finally shutting the computer with a firm 'slam', and giving up on Sunday -- thinking, 'I'll re-do it tomorrow' -- meaning Monday.
Well, it's Wednesday morning and I still hadn't re-done it, as of 4:30 a.m. I'd thought about it, but re-creating a flier on this Mac (which I love, don't get me wrong) is a challenge -- it's not what I'm used to, it's change, it's growth.
Lo and behold, in my morning e-mail was a message from Peter, about to embark on the Bliss Brothers' tour and needing the flier, so he can update their website before departing. Pressure is on. Not only am I embarrassed that I've procrastinated, I HAVE TO GET IT DONE so everyone else can get on with their part of this workshop presentation.
So, 4:30 am, coffee in hand, I began. Gather pics, gather old data from old e-mails, put it together as well as I can remember the old one was. Wouldn't be so bad if I could remember how to move photos, re-size and crop photos, get a lot of info onto one 8x11 sheet of paper. That's where procrastination came into play -- the power of pressure. I've always been one to work best under pressure, and it proved itself again. Pictures moved, I began to write. Condensing words to fit into a concise workshop flier came easily -- BOP (Benefit of Procrastination) or POP (Power of Pressure)?
Or, maybe it was that I have done it once, so doing it again is much easier -- just like some of the yoga poses we do or we ask our students to do. Many are just much easier the second time around. We (or they) have been there, our (or their) bodies know what to expect, we (or they) have heard instructions; things just move and settle into place without the initial 'I can't do that' reaction.
So, flier is done. E-mailed to Peter, Primo, Sheldon & Lyndsey. Let's hope they are o.k. with it. Not sure I want to do it a third time.
- Private early this morning (9 am)
- Gentle Yoga at 10:30 am (I'm teaching and filming - if you are a regular attendee and reading this, please come to class.)
- Laundry, housework, a few errands
Hope your Wednesday goes well,
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