Friday, January 28, 2011

WTSIR,TTA; or could it be WTTIR, TSA?

Serious problem with the keyboard -- NOT! Just didn't want to take up all my 'title' space and energy typing out: 'when the student is ready, the teacher appears'.

I was reminded of this phrase yesterday (a phrase I love) when I looked back at blog posts (MariaCristina's, in particular). She referenced the phrase, then re-phrased it to: WHEN THE TEACHER IS READY, THE STUDENTS APPEAR.
Been thinking about that a lot since reading it. I had credited increased attendance in my Gentle Yoga classes to their being 'ready'. Instead -- is it possible I'm 'ready' to competently teach them? Yup, I think that's an accurate statement/question.
So, thank you - Maria - for bringing that to my attention.
Another wake-up? Attitude affects attendance (another 3 A's). Brought to the forefront of my thought process in regards to the 4 pm class I teach on Thursdays. Thursdays have evolved into a LONG day for me. I reach 4 pm with a bit of a 'tired chip' on my shoulder. That, coupled with the fact that it requires more effort on my part to make this time slot grow I've dropped the ball on this one. Need to re-frame and re-energize for this time slot.
Must be a 'true confession' Friday.
What 'tip' for the day? I've just purchased a great set of books, written by Ray Long, M.D., it's a 3-book set - each book dedicated to a class of poses. Lots of great anatomy information. I learned about Dr. Long from Sundari through books titled "The Key Muscles of Yoga" and "The Key Poses of Yoga" (which I've also purchased). Lots of opportunities for reading!
And, today:
  • Private at 9 am
  • Gentle Yoga at 10:30 am
  • Errands (to include picking up new car!)
Hope your Friday is a good one,

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