Sunday, March 6, 2011


Yes, before I get distracted by mundane things like packing a house full of possessions accumulated in two peoples' lifetimes -- including before and during the 29+ years of marriage (right now the exact # escapes me), better write in the blog. I am not beating myself up for not writing, but each morning the little 'blog icon' stares woefully at me, as if asking "today? will you give me some attention today?" More times than not in the past few weeks, I've been answering 'no, sorry, not today."

Participating in the "90-Minute Kula" (that's my moniker for it, not sure if anyone else is calling it that), has exposed me to over 100 new sources - people - of information, ideas, thoughts, inspiration, etc. One of those is a teacher from California, who has generously offered his ideas on 'story-telling'. So far, he has written a comprehensive essay (for lack of a better word) for our reading, he has done a short video on the topic, and he has recommended some good books (anyone else heard of "Linchpin"?), which I have ordered. His purpose is a spin-off to one sentence Amy said about telling stories in our classes, and he is expanding on that and giving us the gift of understanding where, when & how our stories will have the most impact (even, if they are the right story to tell -- because, frankly, some things are just plain boring).
Why tell you this? Because I intend for this blog to benefit from that new knowledge. More inspired and effective from now on, folks. Just wait, watch & read.
Back to my original thought -- what, do tell, is going on that I'm packing up all possessions? Husband and I are moving -- in case you missed this in last weeks' posts. We are going to sunny So. California, after a brief trip to snowy Idaho next week. Yes, next week -- Friday, in fact, the house will be emptied. Moving truck will go somewhere to wait for the journey south on about the 20th of March, and we will go north with a load of winter clothes and ski gear to our cabin in Driggs. (The sale and purchase almost lined up, with a week to spare, so we move out, then wait. Where better to wait than Driggs, ID?)
All of this has been a logistical challenge - it's been many years since we moved last (17!); prior to that we had moved something like 13 times in 12 years. Many were company moves, a few were within communities. Packing, organizing, thinking through what goes where, how to get rid of things - trash/treasure/stuff -- all this has me making many lists, but my head is still spinning a bit.
Yesterday morning, I gave myself a couple hours off and went to Adam Ballenger's class. I began my study with Adam about 8 years ago, shortly after his move to SLC. During this time, my appreciation for Anusara® Yoga grew under his tutelage. I attended his classes 2-3 times each week for many of these years, did an Immersion with Adam, taught for him for a short time, and - over the years - developed a long list of 'Adam-isms'. What's an 'Adam-ism'? It's the way he phrases something as he teaches, or a specific set of movements (unique to Adam) that will help to keep us safe in poses.
As I practiced yesterday (which, by the way, was challenging -- packing does all kinds of fun stuff to your hips and shoulders), the 'Adam-isms' kept re-surfacing, even if he wasn't necessarily teaching that 'ism'. I am so deeply steeped in his teaching, that I will never forget. And, I will always give him credit for a HUGE portion of the knowledge I have. Thank you, Adam; you will always have my gratitude.
My tip? Try never to forget where or from whom the knowledge came. That has served me well. I am a better teacher for that knowledge, and the ability to give credit (even if it isn't spoken out loud, just within my own head), keeps me grateful and humble.
I did take the opportunity to offer a 'Leslie-ism' in class yesterday -- haven't done that before. If you're curious, go back and read about 'extending through the wrists'. It partnered so well with what he was teaching, that the segue was there -- I took it.
So, enough -- got to get back to packing.
  • Packing
  • A break for a movie? (the secret of effective packing is to allow time for frequent 'self-love' breaks, i.e. a yoga class, a movie -- like that)
  • Going Away Potluck at The Yoga Center, 7:15pm. If you're in the area, you are welcome and I'd love to see you.
Enjoy Sunday,

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