Friday, March 18, 2011


Cleaning up and organizing the Driggs house for our departure today -- we will head out some time after noon for Salt Lake City. Plan to spend a night there, pick up the rest of our 'family' (2 cats and 1 bird) early Saturday morning, and hit the road for Fallbrook. Posting over the next few days may be rare -- it will be a challenging few days, but I could surprise myself; wait and see.

Yesterday, I received a call from Sundari, just checking in. Her word of wisdom: patience. Yes, that's a good one. As I reflect on the move, on the Certification process, on teaching, on my practice -- a bit more patience would come in handy as I move through all of these aspects of my life right now.
I'll focus on Certification this morning -- why patience? Well, how many people do you know, who have finally gotten on the Certification trail, are patiently waiting for the process to unfold? Personally, I know and have heard of few (one, actually, comes to mind).
We want it. I want it. Why say anything else? It's what I've been working for - unknowingly, for 10 years; knowingly, for three. When I was 58, and completing Martin and Jordan Kirk's Level 2 Teacher Training, I finally said "I want to be Certified", out loud. Then, I took on the mantra, CBS (Certified by Sixty). Well, I'm 61 -- not Certified, but close. Patience.
I traveled through the application and acceptance with equanimity. I asked for the test and completed it, again feeling almost tranquil and enjoying the process. Then began, for me, the video process (to get an approved one ready to submit). That became a bit of a challenge as both my mentor's and my lives spun a bit out of control for several months. Still, I remained untroubled. With the one-year deadline facing me, our efforts became focused on getting that video in. It happened, it's in. Certification mentor assigned.
Now, tho, even as I don't have a place to teach during this transition period, I find the reminder to be patient of value, because I am anxious, anxious to have the process done - be Certified - be back to teaching as a Certified Anusara® Yoga Instructor. Patience.
Need to get on with the day, but I searched my notes for a 'tip'. Lots of good stuff, but I always look for something that 'jumps' off the page at me and here it is: working with the breath as I adjust a student. For me, this has been a challenge to learn and to practice. I remember John telling us over and over to 'sync' up with the student's breath, and I remember Jordan (and Martin) encouraging us to adjust with the student's breath. It took a while, tho, for this instruction to sink in for me. This is where 'patience' comes in handy.
When adjusting, I approach the student, ask permission, and tell them where I plan to place my hands, foot, hip, whatever. Then I wait (patience). Once I've made contact with the student, I do sync up with their breath. I encourage them to breathe deeply, ask them to take one more inhale and, on the exhale, begin the adjustment. The waiting is what's hard - I want to jump in there, adjust, fix it -- patience, Leslie, patience. So much easier if I wait and let the student's breath help in the adjustment.
Well, signing off for Friday. My next post, I'll be in Utah, Nevada or California. Wish me patience (especially if my bird decides to get 'squawky' during the drive).
Enjoy your day,

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