Saturday, July 16, 2011


The waxing and full moon offered up many opportunities this week -- just looking at it could have been enough; but, I took it a bit further and used it (and the associated holiday, Guru Purnima - when we honor and celebrate our teachers) as theme for classes. I also loved reading how friends wrote about the 'holiday' -- in this case more of an old world definition is applied (holy day).

A short re-cap of the week is in order:

Tuesday's class in Carlsbad turned into a private for one lucky lady. Good stuff, tho, since the more I question, the more I find out about people; and the more I observe, the more I see. Not bad stuff, just stuff that might benefit from a bit of enhancing. In a private class situation, it's easier to do this as you just focus on one person and this gives you opportunities (and excuses) to really dive deep. Once, a student said to me "you notice everything!". Why? She was the only one in the room, the one I was paying attention to and 'seeing' everything about - the good and the rest.
The afternoon Therapeutic/Gentle class in Temecula was small, as well. I was bolstered by the inquiry of one student into doing some private work with her. She is recovering from a very serious car accident, feels yoga is helping her, and cleared it with her physician. Good stuff. This will be my first private client work in California.
Wednesday, well I wrote about my new/old friend. If you have an opportunity, check out her blog (listed to the right, Lesley DuTemple). I am loving her ability to communicate through her writing. I also must admit it's nice to reflect on things other than yoga for a few minutes during my morning computer time.
Thursday -- I received a note from my Certification evaluator (is that what they're called?). Homework is signed off on, next step - create a class plan, get her approval, video! This news, plus the fact that 5 showed for my Carlsbad class, was great support to my theme of honoring and celebration (using Guru Purnima as the basis). I carried the same theme to the Temecula class, switched up the apex based on the student's in the room.
What's happening with my teaching, now that the homework is completed? Well, I have 'connected the dots'. I do go back to the theme, emphasize the heart quality and UPA, tell people 'why'. I can feel and hear myself doing it. It's kind of scary and 'out of the box' for me. I just finished reading "The Gifts of Imperfection". Teaching this way is somewhat like the contents of the second-to-last chapter, called "Letting Go Of Being Cool and Always in 'Control'". That's how I've always been - 'in control' - at least as long as I can remember. Teaching from my heart, adding in motivating adjectives, raising my voice to convey excitement, all these things go right up to my imprinted pattern of 'in control' and scream in its face (there's a story to demo this, too much to write, maybe another time). Scary stuff; GOOD STUFF!
And, Friday -- well the carpet people were to have arrived, change of plans - they are coming today. That throws my yoga plan off; but, will love new carpet without wine stains (from previous owners).
Hope you have a great Saturday. I'll be dodging carpet layers most of the day -- won't be hard to look for the good in that, however.

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