Thursday, July 7, 2011


The 'good' of moving. Yesterday, I did not have a formal schedule, so spent the day doing odds & ends - laundry, housework, some reading, some unpacking.

We may be closing in on the last of the boxes -- the books. We have more books than any 'normal' two people should be allowed to own. Granted, there was a valid reason for the acquisition of each book. However, many have never been read - just set on the shelf to wait. Now, months or years after purchase, some we've forgotten 'why' we bought them or, their stated contents are no longer of interest to us. We are 'culling' the collection as the boxes are opened.
In our house there are categories of books, the majority of which my husband, Howard, has bought over the years. My collection leans to yoga (what else?), and - while proportionately much smaller - it still fills two cabinets, along with training notebooks, journals, articles, lesson plans, cd's and dvd's. I pulled all from the cabinets yesterday, sorted them by category - philosophy, asana, poetry, training publications. I also gathered up several manila folders filled with 'who knows what'.
The 'who knows what' turned out to be articles I've collected, plus lesson plan printouts. I sorted one from the other, then began to sort the articles by topic. This morning, I have 2 binders; one, filled with articles about specific poses, the other with articles related to 'what to do for specific body parts, conditions, philosophy'. The articles, upon review, will be helpful -- they aren't all written by Anusara® instructors, but many by respected yoga educators with strong backgrounds in body mechanics. I set a goal to read 1-2 articles each day (I can tell by the check I've made in the upper corner that some have been read; re-reading never hurts.). Next task, sort the lesson plans.
Organizing like this makes me feel good, like I've accomplished something, like I've taken control of the clutter. I now know what is in those two cabinets and will remember as I use the books where to go to find needed information. Cool!
I am scheduled to teach this morning in Carlsbad, am setting an intention for people to show. Then, my regular afternoon class in Temecula. Inbetween, finalize the 'deal' on our new carpet - we had the house measured yesterday; ordered the carpet; now wait for it's arrival from Georgia. Excited - this last interior improvement (for now) will help me settle in, to feel truly at home.
Hope you have a good Thursday!

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