Thursday, May 3, 2012


"Head behind leg, check! Shoulder in sole of foot, check! Handstand to Warrior III & back to handstand, check! (Well, not really - but, I gave them all the good old college try.) Wisdom Warriors Rock!"

I posted the above on Facebook last night when I returned home from the third Wisdom Warriors practice.  We did all of the above things (plus more); many in the room were much more accomplished than me, but - as I said - I did try.

Much of the practice reminded me of the days in Salt Lake, going to class or practice with Adam Ballenger (who, by the way, traveled the Anusara ladder via Desiree).  Perhaps that's why I kept thinking of him -- my teaching is often reflective of those I have studied with.  I even heard myself let out a groan (or a hoot) that very much reminded me of the sound effects Adam would employ in classes.  Ahhh, reflection.  

Surprise, I looked down at my mat at one point, and saw sweat drops littering it!  Haven't seen that kind of work for a while (or, perhaps it was the heat/humidity in the room).  No matter, I loved it.  

Best of all, I saw many of the same faces and a few new ones.  A friend from Temecula made the journey. And, Orange County was represented, as well (for those of you unfamiliar with our geography, these are significant drives -- over an hour, I'm thinking).  And, if you are curious, the traffic 'gods' were with me again.  I even left 10 minutes early, thinking that 3 weeks in a row cannot happen; better be prepared for a little 'stoppage' on the freeway.  But, it didn't happen; smooth sailing, all the way.  

I read a Facebook post early this morning -- something like "it's not about the poses".  I agree, it's not.  And, many times I can't do the poses.  That doesn't mean I don't try.  I do.  My theory - if I begin to take the body towards the shape, eventually I'll get there.  I've seen it happen in myself -- try, try, try, 'bang' - I'm in the pose. So, I keep trying. And, I keep laughing; it makes everything more palatable. 

I'm teaching Basics today in Temecula (Living Yoga), at 4pm.  I have a wealth of new material (taken from Wisdom Warriors); so, watch out!

I LOVE WEDNESDAYS AND ALL MY NEW WARRIOR FRIENDS, and I hope you have a great Thursday,

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