Thursday, June 21, 2012


I am usually up at this time writing about Wisdom Warriors (the yoga practice that happens each Wednesday from 1-3pm).  But, this week, I missed the practice -- and, not for insignificant reasons.  It was my 5-year-old Grand-Dude's 'Bonus Graduation' from pre-K  (I think).

I say "I think", because to be honest, I am confused by all the different labels given to pre-school training.  When Derek, my son (who is now 37), was his son's age, we had 3 things:  pre-school, kindergarten, and school.  If memory serves me, Jack has been - at age 5 - already been going to school for 3 years and he isn't even to Kindergarten yet! This is not a bad thing, just confusing for grandparents.

So, I went to the graduation instead of Wisdom Warriors.  A wise choice, because of the memories I now carry of Jack smiling at me from the stage.  Oh, I missed my friends at WW; but Jack's smile made it worth it; and, I'll be back in the saddle next Wednesday.

Because of the missed practice, I titled this post, 'week in review'. Thought that would cover a recap of the yoga activities of the week . . .

Saturday / Sunday - spent with Jessica Jennings of, in a prenatal yoga training.  I came away with new ideas for poses, class structure, modifications, even a few ayurveda recommendations.  Excited to teach and share.

Monday -- Fallbrook Library YogaHour; a volunteer effort on my part. 20 students in the room; many of whom had been on trips and were returning (whew!).  I was invigorated from my weekend with Jessica Jennings - tho none of these students are pregnant.  Used muscular energy as my focus and we worked the muscles -- from feet to arms to crown of head.  Our peak pose was Warrior I.

Tuesday -- Therapeutic Yoga class at Living Yoga, Temecula; 3 students (which is a good size for this type of class).  One has been attending regularly and struggling with some foot issues; the other two were new to me.  Mom and daughter, daughter a dancer -- very flexible.  Because of the composition of the class, we did a gentler version of my Basics class.  Comment from the 'regular' - "I am enjoying learning why we do the things we do, alignment-wise."  Be still my heart!

And, Prenatal on Tuesday?  No one showed; got to get marketing on that one.

Wednesday - a potpourri of stuff; morning meeting with financial planner, lunch at the mall, an hour of shopping (another 'be still my heart' moment) as I waited for Howard (husband) who was in a short meeting, and then the 'graduation'.  So fun to see these children, animated and having fun on stage.  Jack (Grand-Dude), has expanded in his participation so much from last year -- more good stuff!

Thursday (today) - I'll begin a new Therapeutics class at Yoga For Life (also in Temecula), assuming my insurance information arrives.  Darn, forgot that detail requested by the studio owner.  Plan to go, no matter what, in case people arrive -- at least they'll have a warm body in the room.  Then to Living Yoga for Basics.

Friday (tomorrow) - Gentle Yoga; loyal class of students, a bit larger in number than the Therapeutics/Gentle class.

It's been a busy, kind of roller-coaster kind of week.  Ups and downs, and all-arounds.  I hope your week is going well and that today (Thursday) is a great day!

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