Thursday, August 16, 2012


5 months of weekly Wisdom Warriors practices; every Wednesday driving to Del Mar from Fallbrook (minimum of 40 minutes); sweating for 2 hours; doing things I had avoided for the previous 12 months. 5 months -- for what?

To be part of a fun group that doesn't mind stepping outside of their comfort zone to experience a new opening for the body.  Not to mention the mental aspect - feeling stronger, more competent, more accomplished, younger(?).  

I put a question mark behind younger because I am not sure the purpose of this practice is to make us be younger (I think that's rather impossible). Rather, the biggest purpose is to remember my power (and, I have to admit, when I remember it, I do feel younger).

And remember it, I have.

Over and over, if you have been reading this blog for any period of time, you come across statements like "I feel stronger", "I didn't get tired", "I stuck it out".  All signs that the power I speak of is returning. I had worried for a while, six+ months ago, that I was on the downhill slope - not practicing enough, not feeling terrifically enthused, not as happy in my practice as in previous years.  Of course, there was all the Anusara Yoga debacle to deal with and think about; my yoga goal of becoming a 'Certified' Anusara instructor crashing in a heap. I found it easy, then, to avoid the practice.

Then, like "Superman" (or SuperWoman), in swooped Desiree with her fire, enthusiasm, skill at bringing the best out in people, and her nice-ness.  Add to that, Geri with her calm, empowering nature, and you end up with the perfect balance of personalities and teaching skill to help anyone remember their power.

Enough with the power -- about yesterday's WW practice; well, it was tough.  By 20 minutes in, the sweat was dripping off my face - not because it was too hot; simply because I was working hard. Well-rounded is a good descriptive. Standing, seated, upside down, twisted, balancing (did I miss anything?).   One highlight -- being in a kneeling lunge, right knee and right hand on floor, then bending and reaching for the right foot with the left hand, without dropping the left shoulder forward -- all the work happening in the back body.  If you know me, you know that my back does not go to this shape easily.

Always fun and interesting stuff!

Today?  I have make-up listening to do for a webinar, then teaching two classes.

Hope you have a great Thursday!

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