Monday, November 12, 2012


I've been in So. Cal. for 18+ months now and today will be one of less-than-five times I've gone to 'lunch'.  And - better part - it is with my 'Wisdom Warrior' buddies.  Ought to be fun.

As to teaching today at the Library -- well Federal holidays usually mean the Library is closed; as it is today.  So, no class.  I announced it last week, just hope people were paying attention.  When they arrive and the doors are locked, I guess they'll get the message.  Sorry!

I finished up a 4-session workshop series this past Saturday.  It began in August with a 2-hour session on the feet; September, the knees; October, the hips; and November - the finale, 'puttin it all together'.  The workshop was held at the smaller of the two studios in Temecula, but it has a demographic more interested in these topics.  Funny how that works.  A studio atmosphere can attract a certain type of student . . .

I guess I learned that in Salt Lake; but it is a recurring theme, not just applicable to the studio I owned.

On a personal note, I am still practicing (guitar).  It's great to 'make' music, as opposed to just listening to others.  So glad I made myself do this.  Lessons and all !

This is short; excited for lunch and wanted to share.  Hope you all have a great Monday and holiday.

Thank you to all the who have served and are serving in our military!  You have my deepest respect and gratitude.

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