Thursday, December 20, 2012

BABY, IT'S COLD OUTSIDE (here in so. cal., even)

The outside temperature reads 42.1 -- warmer than the weatherman predicted on last night's news, but cold for southern california.  So glad we didn't ship all our fleece and cold-weather gear to Idaho.  Time to layer up!

Speaking of layering up -- these segue's just come out of nowhere sometimes.  We layered in Wisdom Warriors yesterday.  Three 30-minute 'classes' -- standing poses, forward folds, backbends -- each consisting of about 20 poses.  Do the math -- 60 poses in 90 minutes.


Why would Desiree plan such a class.  It actually was a 'dress rehearsal' for a video she's putting together to share with students who don't have access to a Wisdom Warriors practice (currently there are 3 offered in the U.S. -- Del Mar (Desiree) and Temecula, CA (Me - Leslie); and Denver, CO (Michelle Berman Marchildon).

She wanted to 'see' if we could cram 20 poses into 30 minutes and look o.k. doing it (not perfect, mind you; but o.k. -- intermediate level poses, mind you).  We succeeded.  No one collapsed in exhaustion, no one whined, no one tried to distract her with mindless banter.  We did the work and we did it well, if I do say so myself!

I also must thank Desiree for arranging for us to meet with a young man (yes, he was under age 50, by 20+ years, I'd say), whose specialty is "Functional Manual Physical Therapist".  Very interesting.  Dispelled a few myths and also offered some insights I'd not heard before.

One, I had heard before, but was a great reminder -- look at the whole person when they appear in class complaining of a sore knee.  His example:  A knee-replacement client still struggling with the same pain as before surgery.  Turns out that this client (upon further diagnostic work) has a L2 disc issue, referring pain to the knee -- no real need for a knee-replacement.  His mantra:  "don't follow the pain".

We've been celebrating Christmas all week.  It began Sunday with dinner and some gift opening at our son's home (they will spend actual Christmas Day with other family members); then, last night, the same crew came out for Chinese food at our house.  Turns out that the grand-dudes (ages 2, 4, 6), enjoy Chinese food -- who knew?  Comment heard from the 2-year-old, upon biting into an egg roll:  "Yummy".  Then he ate the whole thing, plus another half.  Guess he really did like it.

Today?  Traveling to Temecula to teach two classes.

Hope you have a great Thursday!

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