Wednesday, July 24, 2013



I did my usual Wednesday trek into Wisdom Warriors today. The difference was that earlier this morning, I had a dentist appointment (cavity).  What does that equal = novacaine!!!

And, how does yoga feel when half your face is numb?  Well, it's not too bad so long as you don't touch your face and expect to feel anything.  Does it change your abilities?  No; I was still as stiff as usual, but still daring -- even got into a gnarly cobra with Desiree holding my heels to my backside.

We began with a short talk, during which Desiree spoke about doing one-legged poses.  Somewhere we switched gears and ended up doing something she kept calling a Level 4 practice (hardly the stuff of 63-year-olds, if you ask me).   But it was fun!

A good moment -- seeing a friend from Scottsdale in the room.  It is a small world, after all.

This will be short.  Getting ready to go to Montana to meet Marc Holzman, who I have never studied with. Looking forward to yoga, friends, and scenery.  Got to get housesitter instructions ready, pack, pick up, etc.

Hope you all have a great weekend and week,

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