Monday, March 9, 2009


No matter how great the training, workshop, vacation, weekend getaway, whatever, it is ALWAYS good to be home. Back in my own comfort zone.

The morning practice yesterday (Sunday) was amazing. John's request of us was to do the practice as fully as possible and to remember -- because if we forget, it's a sign that it's not important to us. It is important that we live each day fully, pay attention to our lives, remember our students, and give thanks to the teachers in our lives.

What fun to practice with mindfulness and effort as the theme -- I can do my best and know that it is 'purna' (fullness, perfect) -- even if I do a splendid face plant! I WILL always remember that practice - the last time in that venue (next year, the Tucson kula will have to come up with another location for this training/workshop), the last time with that particular group of students (next year, a different group will gather), and who knows what will change in my life in the next 12 months (not that I anticipate a big change; but, change happens - its part of the pulsation of life). I also will never forget where and when I did 4 urdhva dhanurasanas in a row (last one with close to straight arms)!

It's also the last day I will have ready-made blog topics to write about. I'm on my own now to come up with stuff to write about, for a while.

Foggy and cold here in Salt Lake, expecting snow later in the day; nothing like Tucson.

1 comment:

sundari said...

I am really enjoying your blog and reading about the experiences that anusara yoga brings to your life. How we all have changed thru this practice. The number 4 is a powerful representative of your full backbending poses. One for each direction, all grounding and complete as the 4 sides hold the foundation and yes, home is where its at - deep in the heart. Sundari