Saturday, March 28, 2009


I love quotes.

On my 'google' home page, I have a space where - each day - a different and inspirational quote comes up. When a really good one shows, I save it to a file on my computer, called - inspirationally - 'quotes'. I am also finding some great ones as I scour blogs, websites, books, etc. So, those get saved to that inspirationally-named file, as well.

While I am broadening my scope of vision when reading and assimilating quotes, I notice that many I've saved relate to setting your goal and sticking with it.

I can only assume that's because I've set a lot of goals in my life and NOT stuck with them (especially if you count diets and New Year's resolutions).

Yoga, tho, is sticking. To be the best Anusara-Inspired™ (and, eventually, Certified Anusara™) yoga teacher I can be is a goal that is keeping my attention and my commitment. Reasons?
  1. Community. Lots of people supporting me in this endeavor.
  2. Physical Improvement. Just look at my back (and ask BJ Galvan). 10 years ago (and maybe even 2 years ago), it was rounded; today -- what a difference! This blog entry would be much longer, if I go into the other physical changes I've experienced; so we'll just keep it at the most remarkable.
  3. Personal Improvement. I'm a nicer, much less superficial person. When reading Christina Sell's blog, she mentions 'the sleeping world' -- I would have to say I'm emerging from just such a world (moving through life without really experiencing it).
  4. Connection. To students, teachers, community. I am repeatedly reminded of that connection. In fact, the other day I got a call from one of my 70+ year-old students telling me that she was sorry she missed class - had a doctor's appointment. She also spent a bit of time telling me that she will be going in for surgery next week, but hopes to return to the Gentle Yoga class a.s.a.p. How can I NOT think I am making an impression when things like that happen.

I am sure there are reasons I've missed, but this reminder is enough to keep me going for a while.

Enjoy your weekend,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome. It'funny but I'm here at home missing my Anusara class because of the flu. This flu has got me down on one of the sunniest days in Dublin, plus I'm missing my class, which I have never done before. It's funny how I stumbled upon this blog, I was thinking that if I had my instructors no. I'd text her to tell her I'm sorry for missing the class.

Your right and u should be proud of yourself. You're a great inspiration for your students as my teacher is for me.

Have a lovely day

Om shanti.
Carla - Dublin, Ireland